Sunday, May 3, 2009

Video Sharing

Video sharing programs are common on the web. Though I see no reason to share my photos with a stranger. Many people feel it is a fun and harmless. Well, photo sharing, not is about to meet a new rival in the form of video sharing. New sites like Video are now up and running, and running fast in the sharing of amateur video.
And now internet analysts say that video will soon become as common as the sharing of photos. In the past 6 months or so, those kinds of sites have been popping up with regularity, all the effects of digital technology that make video sharing easy. Sigh....even those horrible cell phones that annoy me every day have digital video that can be quickly made and uploaded so other people to be annoyed as well. And what about the new disposable video cameras? It's now just as easy to show your video as your pictures.
But is this good for the average Internet user, the one who possible doesn't want to see the video, but who will be subjected to it as I am beleaguered by rude cell phone abusers? How interesting can most of that video be to one who is not connected closely by friendship or family? Is this video clip pastime just a way for people to be noticed, at the expense of unwilling viewers?
Those everyday moments one person thinks are cute or interesting may in fact be the opposite. And my God! Save me from an amateur who thinks his or her video is the work of an unrecognized filming genius. You see, as designed now, these video sites are not the closed ones that photo sites are. They are not meant just for family or friends who ar sent a link allowing them to see.
No...the video sharing sites tend to be open forums that let the world see whatever one wants to project. The files are often ranked from top to bottom based on "most watched" or by category. So anyone need only click any of the videos to have access to see one. Given that the technology is evolving it may be a question of video sharing sites as places where people can share what they have done, show places they have been, and their creations...or..... just another big annoyance. Yes, I admit it.... I'm thinking of a parallel with those cell phones. Let's hope video sharing is the former.
I have a early nominee for the 2006 Dumb Bank Robber of the Year. He is George Melendez of Lowell, Massachusetts. George is a bank robber who uses the bomb threat to get his cash. He hands a bank teller a note claiming that he has a bomb in a handbag he carries to his robbery sites. After giving the note to the teller and collecting the cash, George always leaves his bag (which really contains only tangled wires and books) at the bank.
But wait! In his latest caper at Sovereign Bank George left something in his bank bomb bag that he wishes he hadn't. You see, George mistakenly included more in that bag. He left a phone book that had a mailing label with George's full name and address. After leaving the bank the bag was turned over to police who went to the address and arrested George, after he fit the description of the robber given by the tellers at Sovereign. George was arrested and is being held on bail pending a court hearing. Let's hope George doesn't bring a bag to court that day.

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