Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Roscoe Sends His Regards

I got another intriguing junk E mail just below from a "Roscoe Lily". Haha I like that name and if I have another one, I will name my next child Roscoe Lily as well. Roscoe wants me to lose money, not by gambling on the many on-line gambling sites, but rather by giving Roscoe my money in return for allowing me to set up my own on line gambling casino. Here is what Roscoe write in his spam.
Roscoe Lilly wrote:
Don't spend your life being a Worker Bee. Be at the top of your financial game operating an online casino. It practically runs itself, we give you everything you need to succeed. Live life without the alarm clock - work at your home making six figures. Telephone 1.954.427.3460 extension "17" to get set up.
Such mail shows the depth of on-line gambling these days. With ESPN, FOX and other main stream TV networks running gambling programs (those poker shows) that draw big ratings, the average person is gambling more and more now. In the U.S gambling on line is easier and legal (most are set up and licensed in Caribbean nations to avoid U.S. regulations, even though the vast majority of computer gamblers using them are Americans), the pay outs are legitimate (because many more people lose their money to Roscoe than he pays out in winnings) and the operators are hugely wealthy as people throw their money away on such sites.
But this is the first E mail I have ever gotten asking me to tun my own gambling site. In the past it has been a steady stream of wagering offers from Roscoe and company. It makes me wonder how many fools contact Roscoe and lose their money to him with such bogus offers as these without even enjoying the thrill of the gamble. As the late circus impresario P.T. Barnum once said, "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of people"
When is a person too bossy for his or her own good? Well, one wife in Beijing, Chinese may have learned her own limits last week. The woman has been charged with accidentally killing her husband with a sword after he refused to make her dinner, the Shanghai Daily said on Tuesday. Police said Tang Xiaowan, 25, who has been practicing swordsman ship since she was young, had often forced her husband of three years at swordpoint to carry out her orders and obey without question.
But her husband, Li Weidong, refused to cook dinner that night, saying that he couldn't because he was late for work. Tang picked up her sword and put it on Li's chest to repeat her command, but slipped, stabbing Li by mistake. Li died in hospital from loss of blood and Boss Tang was arrested Monday and charged with manslaughter.
Let's hope Tang isn't put in charge of the kitchen when she's sentenced to prison

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