Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Growing Muslim Irrationality

We had a touch of fall in the cool weather this past week and the look all about. Some leaves are turning and falling. Today I bought a couple of pumpkins for sale and some other Halloween gourds that are used for decorating. I am always excited to escape summer and head into the more salubrious time of autumn.
One thing that is irritating more and more people is the bad behavior of Muslims. And I now have to include in the group more of the mainstream Muslims instead of using the word "fanatical" or fundamentalist Muslim. There seems to be a bonding by mainstream Muslims to the more extreme demands and tactics of the crazed ones. Some of this may be out of fear and some because the intense brainwashing of the "Muslim cause" has been pounded into the heads of Muslims by media sources and the Muslims leaders themselves.
In short, it's getting harder to tell the irrational Muslims from the sane ones. And that is not good for either Muslims or non Muslims. There is now a link for many Muslims between religion nd violence. That is, the feel their religion entitles them to annihilate all others, and to uses violence to achieve it. They refuse to respond to criticism (those cartoons and Pope Benedict's speeches being the most recent examples of their intolerance to any criticism of Islamism) with rational arguments, instead only with demonstrations, threats and violence to anyone who does not agree with them. Who were once rational, mainstream Muslims are now less rational ones, as their religion has been captured and is in the hands of the nuts who call for jihads against we "infidels".
Well, if they get the jihad they want they will be sorry. There is no question a backlash is starting to arise in non Muslims countries, and there is a more fervent desire to defend against Muslim injustices. If it comes to a fight, the Muslims will be outnumbered and under armed, though the world at large will suffer. It's hard to see how the chasm between Muslim and non Muslims ideology will be healed.
Given that Bush and company have two more years to stir up hatred, that Muslim terrorist groups are growing in number and more emboldened in their murderous ways, and that the mainstream churches seem silent and unable to call a halt to religious intolerance, perhaps a kind of religious war has already began. Get ready to duck and cover.
Ok, enough of my pontificating. Here are some interestingly weird items from around the crazy world.
- In Jiangsu province, China, where people believe a well attended funeral leads to a successful afterlife, police report that families are now hiring strippers to increase attendance at their loved ones funerals. I hope I get invited to one of those.
- In Bloomington, Indiana the world's dumbest man (I presume), Darrell Rogers, 40, was recently treated after shooting himself in the left knee because he felt he just ahd to do something to end the pain he has been feeling there. I think Darrell should have aimed higher.
- Electrician Paul Trotman, 51, was arrested in Clay County, Florida, after he rigged an electrical device to shock a 3 1/2 year old boy who was living with Trotman and his wife. It seems that Paul was fed up that the child was constantly urinating on electrical outlets just to see sparks fly. Hehe Maybe they will sentence Paul to the "electric chair" for doing that.
- In New South Wales, Australia the government is proposing that election voting booths be placed in bars. Hey! Maybe that's how Bush got elected twice here???
- In Ukraine it is alleged that a now 23 year old woman had been "forgotten" by her parents in the woods until age eight. At that time she was rescued after supposedly being raised by dogs. Now, the woman, Oxana Maya has been evaluated. She has a mental age of six, slurred speech and is uncoordinated when walking. Oxana still buries gifts she receives and runs into the woods when she is upset. Maya has been filmed barking, running on all fours, painting with her tongue and drying off by shaking like a dog.
Wait...maybe it's not from being raised by dogs, Oxana has just been watching too many Reality TV shows.... I'll show mercy on you now and stop this to go to your text....

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