Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Today is the 5th year anniversary of the 911 murders. The politicians, particularly Bush, are out in full force to take advantage of it with photo opts and speeches about how they are saving us from "terrorists". Too bad many voters believe those politicians who pander to get votes. I am ignoring al of the phony patriotism and ceremonies. I think that day should be put to rest and Americans would be better served by not wallowing in sorrow about it.
In the five years since 911 the Bush administration and Congress have spent billions of dollars (mostly for elaborate and un necessary contracts to the supporters of the politicians who voted for the spending) to allegedly protect the country from more terrorists attacks. In truth the spending is al am allusion to fool the voters and to gain political support.
This country is no more secure, nor can it realistically stop any fanatical group from murdering randomly, than before the 911 incident. Our borders are open and millions of illegal immigrants, both good and evil freely walk into the U.S. Airport security is a mirage, as it is impossible to truly protect against a terrorist event on a plane. Our shipping industry, including those cruise liners that carry 2000 or more vacationers, has no security whatsoever.
So today the politicians will tell the people that they are safer and that the "war on terrorism" is going well. In fact, 911 has been a boon for the politicians who run for office on the backs of the tragedy, making silly promises and vowing to defeat an enemy that is too abstract to ever defeat with security and military weapons. Political supporters become rich on bogus security contracts their favorite politicians award, while a once great city (New Orleans) is left abandoned and dying, unfunded as it tries to rebuild after the greatest single property loss in history.
Bush continues to demagogue and receive the support of about 40% of Americans (Who are those idiots?), the administration continues to suspend civil rights in the name of protecting against terrorists, and a war is fought against phantoms that had made the U.S the most hated nation since the Roman Empire was sacked and looted.
I won't wallow in 911 rhetoric they politicians spout today. Instead, I'll do my best to vote out every one of that crowd when the next election gives me the opportunity to tell them what i think of their hypocrisy.
In Helsinki, there are more important things than terrosists..uh...that is.....human terrorists. The Finish terrorist problem seems to be of the rodent kind. It's because a fanatical, fundamentalist squirrel scampered into the bicycle wheel of an unlucky Finnish opera singer, causing him to fall, knock himself out and break his nose just ahead of the world premiere of a new opera. Esa Ruuttunen was pedaling his way to the Helsinki Opera House last month when the squirrel ran into his bike spokes nd upended him. Esa ended up with a concussion and was placed in a local hospital, rather than at his rehearsals for the Finnish opera Kaarmeen hetki (Hour of the Serpent), which opens on September 15. "He is not yet singing in rehearsals, but thinks he will be able to perform at the world premiere," Finnish National Opera spokeswoman Heidi Almi told Reuters.
The squirrel died in the accident. No truth to the rumor that George Bush links the squirrel to a rodent faction of al Quida and claims a major terrorist threat was eliminated with the squirrel's death..

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