Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New 7 Wonders

I found an very interesting web site that I will write about today. It's called 7 Wonders and can be accessed at www.nw7 wonders.com. This site is a year long voting place for anyone to cast a vote for what he or she feels is an updated 7 wonders of the world.
You must remember being in school and studying the ancient 7 wonders, only one of which still exists, The Great Pyramids at Giza. Well the idea of this site, which was created by a Swiss gentleman named Bernard Weber, is to choose the 7 wonders collectively, as opposed to before when Philon choose them by himself. The site says it expects to get 100 million votes between July 7th, 2006 (when it first opened for voting, and July 7, 2007.
So far twenty million (and one....Jim voted today) people have nominated one or more wonders out of the 21 finalists selected by a panel of world-renowned architects. The nominees include both ancient (Great wall of China, for example) and the modern (The Eiffel Tower is one modern finalist). The winning 7 wonders will be announced on July 7th, 2007. Since we live in a mostly democratic world it makes sense to select the wonders this way. But I had a hard time choosing seven form the list, having not seen most and feeling it is hard to make objective such subjective structures.
The site makes one vote on 7 before accepting the votes. This I think is not wise as some will vote for their real choices and simply click randomly for others, distorting the vote. Anyway, I voted at the site. My number one choice was The Great Wall. I also voted for the Taj Mahal, Great Pyramids, The Roman Colosseum, Stonehenge, the Acropolis and Hagia Sophia. Now it is your turn to vote.
Do you ever feel scared when alone and driving at night in your car? Well, if so you might try an inflatable blow-up man doll next time you are driving and need company. He fits in a car's glove box, appears at a flick of a switch and when a woman has finished using him, she can just pull the plug and he deflates. Wow! Talk about the ideal male He's the "Buddy on Demand," a blow-up man definitely NOT one of the 7 wonders of the world, who was launched on Tuesday with the aim of making solo female motorists feel less nervous about driving at night.
According to research by the inflatable friend's creator, insurer Sheilas' Wheels, 82 percent of women feel safer with someone sitting in the car beside them and nearly a half don't like driving alone in the dark."We're not saying that an inflatable man is the only answer but we do hope it will give women extra confidence and make journeys in the dark less fearful," said Jacky Brown, the spokeswoman for Sheilas' Wheels.
Not only that! But the inflatable man might be the only man ever capable of paying attention to you when you talk about all of his faults....

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