Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Which Rest Room Do We Use

Going to take a dump in public rest rooms in New York just got a lot more interesting. No, it's not because the rest rooms are Singaporean clean or high tech. It's more to do with who may be in their with you if you happen to enter one. Why? Well, transgendered New Yorkers have won court approval to use any rest room they wish after a lawsuit several filed against the New York Metro subway stations (MTA).
Yep! It's another crazy judicial ruling about a matter that is best left to the discretion of the authorities who administer a program. In this case of stupid judge rulings, the city is being forced to open all rest rooms to He/She users, not only in subways, but in other pubic buildings in that state. It happened after three trannies were arrested by police for using a woman's rest room in a subway earlier this month. I think those lady rest rooms will be much more interesting places to be now...but I am not yet cross dressing to find out. The main litigant that has revolutionized the way rest rooms will be labeled is named Helena Stone, at least that is his alter , bath room ego name. Helena got a small amount of "damages" ($2000) from the court judgment and the right to sit on either male or female rest room thrones. "I'm thrilled with it, " Helena said after the court ruled in her favor. "It's like the world was lifted off my shoulders after a few months of Hell." ( If she thinks it's Hell not to use a opposite sex bathroom, she should try to sit on some of the disgusting male bathroom seats after we men have peed with the seat down)
Wow! Helena takes her rest rooms seriously. The court also has sided with Helena by ordering the MTA to sponsor "transgender sensitivity training programs" for all its employees. I wonder why one would have to be trained to be sensitive to He/She bathroom users but not to male or female users? And does this mean I can finally fulfill the great male fantasy....that I can use your rest room too. Haha It might be worth making a trip to New York if I can do that...
Accidents happen! But weird accidents that happen are something that I cant resist mentioning (Just your luck) This one involved a busty teenager, a bra and an antenna. What happened?'s the story of how the teen has been charged by police with littering by removing her bra. That's right. A teenager who put her bra on a car antenna before it flew off and led to a highway accident will be charged with littering, a Bowling Green, Kentucky prosecutor said. Emily Davis, 17, of Bowling Green, told police that she took her bra off while her friend was driving on Interstate 75. James Campbell, a guy who knows a bra and what is underneath one as well, who was driving behind the girls, said he swerved to avoid the bra and his car flipped several times.
Campbell, 37, broke a vertebra in his neck during the Sept. 26 accident. His passenger, Jeff Long, 40, broke several ribs. The two girls told investigators that before the accident the men were motioning to them to lift up their shirts. Both men denied making the gestures (we always deny that) and bra less Emily will be charged next week with misdemeanor littering, said Tim Atkins, a juvenile prosecutor in Wood County. Atkins said he'll meet with troopers before filing the charge. The girl's friend, Tabitha Adams, 17, of Bowling Green, said she told Davis not to hang her bra outside because she knew it would fly away.
No......I don't know if Emily is a blonde.

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