Thursday, May 14, 2009

Kenner Tariler trash

Today I have the Kenner trailer report. Hehe, more trashy mail from trashy Jim. It's hard to believe, but sections of Kenner that flooded after Hurricane Katrina still have copious amounts of trailers in front of homes that were damaged and made by the hurricane . Even though the storm was in August of 2005, some residents have not fixed their property and still reside in those trailers, ones given for use FEMA (a bureau in the U.S. government) as temporary housing.
But what about the people who have fixed and now live in their homes? Many still have the trailers in front of their houses, even though the FEMA agency that furnished them temporarily will pick them up within a few weeks of notification they are no longer needed. The problem is the residents aren't turning them in They are an eye sore, block sidewalks and are a safety hazard. So Kenner officials say they are going to begin cracking down on homeowners who are illegally (city zoning codes do not allow them, except in the case of a natural disaster such as the hurricane) hanging onto the trailers that sit in front of their homes, even though those homes have been fixed and are being lived in.
As a resident of this area I think it a good idea to get rid of the trailers that are no longer needed as temporary housing. They represent the damaged Kenner, not the normal one we had before the hurricane. It is a huge psychological impediment to recovery to still have them here. So inspectors will be sent to look at the trailers to see if they are needed and are being used or just sitting on the property for one of two reasons trailer trash Kennerites are holding on to them. The first reason some people haven't turned in the trailers is the notion that the trailers will be sold back to the residents at a fraction of their worth. This happened in Florida after two similar storms, and the the hurricane victims who bought them from FEMA made thousands of dollars profit by reselling the trailers on the Internet after they had purchased them for about 1/10 of the value they received from their own internet sales. That foolishness is over because of the scandal the Florida trailer sales generated when the Bush administration ordered them sold back to the users so cheaply.
It will not happen again, but trailer trash Kennerites are holding out faith that if they delay return long enough FEMA will give or sell them back to the users. The other reason Kenner Trash Trailers remain on lawns is that despite the law that only family members can live in them, some Kenner Trash Trailer residents are vacating the trailers and renting them out to non familial types, illegal immigrants, anyone who needs housing. Housing is scarce here, so those trailers can bring in big money if rented. It's a sneaky way to make money off FEMA property, but a felony to do so.
As a trashy (but non trailer) Kenner resident I think this attempt to remove trailers is good news. I have even heard of people who keep their empty trailers as play houses for their children. It's time people in this city attempt to return to normality and stop holding their hands out for more government largess.
But the whole mess about unused and unsightly trailers covering the landscape here is but one time speck of the problems that are ongoing in this area. I want my city back...uh... no...not trailer city, just Kenner.

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