Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Just a little politics today... I think the next area (country) or segment of the world to foment trouble ( excluding Bush and company here) will not be North Korea or Hamas and other nutty terrorist factions, but the nation if Iran. Iran is the sick man of the Mid East and getting worse. How sick? Well, the Iranian government has just announced the "winners" of a cartoon drawing contest that supposedly shows the Holocaust against Jews and other minorities in the 30's and 40's never happened.
The contest was sponsored by a Iranian newspaper, but directed by the reactionary government of that country. For a government to sponsor hateful lies is bad enough, but Iran is just beginning to show it's colors. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatens to "wipe Israel form the map", supports the most lunatic of the terrorists groups, runs a nuclear weapon program that is dangerously close to producing nuclear warheads, and violently suppresses any Iranian who dissents from the hateful government view.
It looks like Iran, which is rolling in money from the high prices of oil these days, is trying to take the mantle of most repressive state from some of the other Islamic countries that practice the worst in human behavior. The treatment of women and minorities in Iran, its practice of torture and arbitrary arrests and its denial of basic civil rights, such as free speech and assembly make that place a danger to the outside world.
I wonder why the crazy islamic fundamentalists seek such policy. Surely, many in power distort Islamism for political gain. But why do the majority of Muslims support such behavior? While Bush and the U.S. flounder in Iran, the rest of the world sits and watches Iran become more of a threat to every other nation on the map. Stay tuned. Iran will be the next pest for the world to deal with.
Is that my bowel or yours ringing? Hehe Just kidding...we don't have cell phones in there. But four prisoners in an El Salvador jail hid cell phones, a phone charger and spare chips in their bowels so they could coordinate crimes from their cells, prison officials said recently. The four men, all gang members, wrapped their phones and accessories in plastic and inserted them into their rectums "far enough to reach their intestines," Ramon Arevalo, director of the maximum security Zacatecoluca prison, said.
Ouch! That's really a cell addiction problem He said the ruse was discovered during X-ray examinations following six weeks of investigations. The men, members of the ultra-violent Mara Salvatrucha street gang and the first in El Salvador known to go to such lengths to make phone calls in jail, used the cell phones to manage robberies, blackmail and murders outside.
No....I am not going to demonstrate how they managed to do it.

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