Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Getting Ready For Halloween

It feels like Canada today( well, a little), cool and nice. I had my doors open today. I am in a fall mood today. Every Halloween season I get motivated to do domestic activities reflective of the season. I am going to make pumpkin muffins today, something Jane loves to eat. And we will probably decorate the house for Halloween and also make Halloween decorated cookies this weekend.
Late year one of Jane's friends helped decorate and it was so much easier for me, and fun for Jane with her friend. They decorated outside the house much faster than I could have done it. Jane cut the shapes from the dough I made for the Halloween cookies and I baked them for the the girls to decorate- bats, ghosts, pumpkins, witches...hehe, everything except Santa Jim. Jane already put together a Halloween gingerbread kit I bought a couple of weeks ago. So why all the Halloween activity?
I think my mom is responsible for my enthusiasm for the holidays, particularly kid holidays. When I was a boy she threw herself (as did my dad to a lesser degree) into making the kid holidays special for my brother and I. My parents gave me great examples of never being afraid of following my own path, of not imitating what others do or accepting anything without first examining the merits of it. And today I am an ardent believer in the power of pretending and imagination at Halloween and other "kid" holidays.
So now that I am an adult (well, allegedly so) I retain the enthusiasm and try to pass it on to Jane. I think it is healthy to do that. One's perspective is pushed into the imaginative again, and this is good. Too many adults lose their imagination in childhood because they were not given the stimulus to imagine and pretend enough as children. Of course we all outgrow some of the child aspects of holidays.
For instance, maybe Jane is too old for trick or treat this year. I hope she is not, and think maybe she will find some classmates who aren't as well to try it one last time. Without imagination we lose the possibility of so much joy in our lives because we fail to see what the imagination can bring.
To another matter....Men never run out of ways to grope a pretty lady Take the case of William Mucklow, 40, of Charleston, South Carolina. He got his hands on a few care nurses while posing as a mentally retarded person who needed diapers and has been now been sentenced to a year on home confinement while awaiting sentencing by Kanawha County Magistrate Warren McGinnis after pleading guilty to two counts of battery.
Two fraud charges were dismissed. William was also ordered to pay court costs and to pay one victim more than $400 in restitution. William posed as his mother, responding to ads for home health care workers and hired two nurses, telling them a man with the mind of a 2- or 3-year-old needed care. Police said Groping William then posed as a mentally retarded person. The nurses, who worked separately in February and March of 2004, said he grabbed their breasts while they cared for him.
Hmmmmmmm William may be disgusting but he is clever. I think he may have a career in politics when he finishes serving his sentence.

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