Tuesday, May 12, 2009

French Stupidity

Last night was the first football game involving Jane's school. I was the chauffeur for Jane and two of her friends. While they disappeared to socialize (Most kids Jane's age never pay attention to the game and don't care about it. It's the event that they are attending, a chance to meet friends away from school) I enjoyed the game and saw one of Jane's teachers, a man I taught with in another school years ago. Of course I like the idea of his working while I am finished. Many of us have some suspicion about the French. You know, how they tend to be conceited, self absorbed, unproductive , contrary....but enough about the good qualities of the French. Hehe In Spain recently several Frenchmen showed something else that is less than admirable about them- that they aren't very smart.
Spanish police have arrested four Frenchmen for jumping in front of cars on a busy road, so that they could film the action and post the footage on the Internet, the newspaper El Pais said Tuesday. Duh......Even I see that isn't the brightest idea of the day. But the four idiots took turns leaping in front of cars, forcing the drivers to swerve or brake sharply (Darn! Hehe They should have kept moving forward...) and putting themselves and other vehicles in danger, town hall officials in Alicante were quoted as saying on the El Pais Web site.
I wonder if those Frenchies are blondes. Ok, in defense of the French. That kind of behavior isn't their own idea (Have the French had a new idea in the last century?) It's actually youth craze known as "happy slapping" that started in Britain last year, in which groups of teenagers slapped or mugged strangers while filming the victims' reaction on camera phones. The images were then sent to friends or posted on Web sites.
Well, I don't know about showing that on the web, but I do volunteer to slap all the French you can find...............

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