Thursday, May 14, 2009

Visat Is Out

The new Vista operating system from Microsoft has already been released to businesses with the home editions to soon follow. I was thinking about the Vista release and have a few observations about it to which you can agree, disagree or ignore completely (Hehe Most people do best when they ignore my stupid remarks altogether).
First, Vista amounts to a product that wasn't demanded bu computer users. XP has worked well enough and I think most consumers are satisfied enough with XP that they don't have an natural inclination to upgrade to a news system that has been described by many as "only slightly technically better".
Secondly, we both know that when changing an operating system we inevitably lose programs that worked on the old one but won't on the new. Either surrendering those programs or buying expensive upgrades to save our programs and data that is within them is not a good thought. Thirdly, Microsoft has a tendency to make us think we need to have the next in computer technology. No one wants to be "outdated" and everyone lives in fear that the old OS won't be supported any more. (This is not true, as Microsoft will still profit from supporting XP for many years).
Fourthly, in favor of upgrading is that by doing so the software makers and manufacturers have an incentive to make even more, and better improvements, in computers. I don't know how you feel about using your PC, but I think it is often a pain. It crashes, frustrates, fails to operate properly and always confounds me. They are still making these ----- computers for geeks, not the ordinary fool like me.
If buying into a new OS speeds up the process of making computers easy to operate, I am all for it. Fifthly, Vista is supposed to be more secure (the main feature of it as an advantage over XP) and will do more than XP can do now. It also has much better graphics, is easier to use (they claim!) and a better folder and filing system. But basically, the way I figure it, Microsoft is releasing Vista (and has introduced all the other replacement OS be have endured over the years) because of one reason- it has sold as many copies of XP as it can.
Yep! The profit in XP is getting small and it is time to rape us all again. The dilemma microsoft has is that it's only competition is getting us to upgrade to Vista, when most of us are comfortable with what we have. But we all either know or suspect that and always buy the new one anyway. So that's what I will do. I have been waiting to buy the next computer because I want Vista too. Even though XP should work fine for many years to come, I am a Microsoft zombie too.....they got me under their spell. My current computer is five years old and I cross my fingers each day the cpu or hard drive lives until Vista is available and proven.

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