Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Woman's Concerns

I visited my browser home page message board again today. Every couple of months I like to check those out to...uh....get the tenor of the common man and woman. Spam ads and message boards are quite revealing, going far beyond the often semi literate posts that reek of irrationality, anger, and just plain faulty logic. Still they give me an idea of what people think about their lives and the state of the world. Today I decided to check the innocuous rather than controversial or significant. So I logged onto a message board with the most intriguing of names- Women's' Concerns. Well, as a man I should be cognizant and respectful of what the greater sex thinks and wants. Too many men seem not to understand that women make the world a much better place. So in the interest of discovering the concerns of you ladies I logged in. Here is what I found.
The very first message was from someone called "last sunset seen", not an optimistic lady, I suspect. She wrote a short post in which she posed the question, "Do men have the capacity of being openly honest"? I am a bit puzzled by the distinction between "openly honest" and "honest" . Might I ask you to explain that? And are men miserable creature who never tell the truth?
Of the more bizarre posts as the second women's' concern that I read. This one said "I think that the reason men and women are so confused about their roles in society today is because of the proliferation of the use of male and female hormones". Haha I don't know about you, but I am not using hormones of either sex. The character who posted this one went further and suggested that all of Michael Jackson's problems stem from "using too many female hormones". Oh..and I thought he was just nuts. Gee I learn so much from these postings. I better watch out for the hormonal enriched people out there.
Next I came to the "Any good men left" posting. (I assume Michael Jackson isn't eligible for this category, since he is full of female hormones?) The consensus from both men and women here was that women like bad boys and only want good men after being abused enough by the bad ones. But then, that feeling wears off quickly because a few minutes with a good man bores ladies, and they again hook up with another bad one. There may be some truth i this, and it could be that society idealizes women so much and sanctions them when they behave badly, that they want to live the "bad woman" role not from behaving badly themselves, but rather by being in a relationship with a stinker of a man. What do you think?
The fourth post I stumbled onto was entitled. "Why women are better at verbal combat?" There were many postings about this subject. For example one female posting said, "It is because a female's corpus collosum, the area that connects the left brain (language and speech area) with the right brain (sound area) is larger in females, so the verbal imput can be processed and transformed into a response faster (Know wonder women keep talking so much...). But a male response to that was clever, disarming the female's technical analysis with this short and cogent reply. Perhaps that is why. But the best way to fight a woman is with your hat. Grab it and run. Haha This guy must have had quite a few losing battles with those verbal females. He knows the proper technique for surrender to a lady.
One more...This posting was entitled "A Perfect and Good Man". by a man who calls himself Boozepaul. I know Paul must have been drinking when he left his posting. It says that, "All men are perfect, you ladies it is your work to make your man the one you want him to be. You can change him." Drinking Paul is a little inconsistent. First he said all men are perfect (If you agree it means I too am perfect and you should bow before me), then he added that a woman should change him into something better.
Needless to say, Booze paul got many comments to his opinion... but I surmise he is too drunk to read and understand them. Feel free to comment about these or any other women's concerns you may have. No, it isn't necessary to use me as an example of the flawed man..I already know I am one of those.
I think Americans must be watching too much TV. At least, a recent survey would seem to indicate that. It seems that most people surveyed by the McCormick Tribune Freedom Museum can name silly fictional TV characters than can name the five basic freedoms granted in the U.S. Constitution (something every school child is taught repeatedly throughout the school years).. Half of the respondents could name the characters on a TV show called the Simpsons (sorry, I don't know anything about that show) but only about 25% could name the five freedoms (freedoms of speech, press, assembly, petition and religion) guaranteed to every American.
And a whopping one in five of those respondents said that the right to own and raise pets was one of the freedoms (those people should be caged and separated from the rest of the human population!), and a few said the "right to drive' was another.....Sigh..al Quida need not attack the U.S. instead they might support American TV, which in itself seems to be deadening the brains of the population.

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