Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Magazines For Everybody

I bumped into a magazine rack at a K Mart the other day and, as I already have enough magazines to read through my subscriptions, would usually have kept going to another department. But when I saw the names of some of the magazines I was frozen in place. I had to glance at a few of them to verify what I was seeing. I asked myself, "Do people really buy some of these magazines"? I have no idea how many sell and which ones come and go after lagging sales, but I am here today to tell you some of the stranger special interest magazines that are for sale at ordinary retail outlets.
The one that caught my eye was entitles "Millionaire". Yep! It is a magazine for or about millionaires, I suppose. I can't remember the cover stories but do recall they were very pretentious, almost condescending to non millionaires. I looked at the price, expecting to see a very expensive publication, given that it is for millionaires or millionaire wanna be types. But, Alas! You don't have to be a millionaire to but that magazine. It's about the same price as the others I saw on the rack.
Here are a few more that caught my eye because of their special interest and probable low circulation level.
*Shop Til You Drop- This one bills itself as a ladies only magazine that is "based entirely on the rush of shopping". Supposedly this magazine will make shopping easier and more accessible for women, but I think that most women already have that ability- they have their boyfriend's or husband's credit card...forget the magazine and just keep charging on it.
* Good Medicine- What an odd title. I wonder if there is another magazine called "Bad Medicine". Isn't it obvious that people want to read about medicines that help them. Couldn't they just call the magazine "Medicine" and skip the obvious reminder that the medicine they will read about is good?
* Fit Pregnancy- This one is designed to help pregnant women stay fit with descriptions of safe workouts, nutrition guidance, meal plans and medical news. But I wondered why any woman would subscribe to this one. A pregnancy is only 9 months. What would a women do after the pregnancy is over? Would she still read the issues left on the subscription?
* Word Up- It's a magazine that focuses on rap music. I guess it is filled with profanity and disrespects women. Isn't that what rap mostly is...no talented performers screaming filth and hate????
* Exceptional parent- This one has the best name of all for selling itself. Doesn't every parent think he or she is the best parent? Well, if they buy the magazine it proves it must be true.
* Tango Magazine- The one with the most misleading title is Tango magazine. When I saw the tittle I thought it was about one of the world's most boring dance style, but it's not. Tango is about how singles and couples can keep their love lasting.
* Martial Arts Legends Presents Grappling- Huh???????
* Slap- No, not what you would like to do to me for writing this stupidity, it's a teen a magazine about skateboarding. However, if I ever try to ride a skateboard you have my blessing to slap me.
* African American Golfer Digest- Does every ethnic group have a golf digest? And if so, why would it be necessary? It implies that African Americans play a different game of golf than non African Americans.
* Arabic Bible Pathways- Oh this one may start a jihad against we infidels because it is a magazine "to help our Arab friends have a better understanding of the Bible." Haha Don't those crazy publishers know that Muslims don't care about the Bible or any other religious book except the Koran?
* Savage- The main subject of this magazine is body piercing and "the modern party scene". Would you like a subscription for Christmas? Huh I don't know about all those magazines. Maybe we are just reading more these days. Or perhaps circulation matters less than advertising, so magazines filed with expensive ads don't have to sell many copies to stay afloat. . Whatever, I know I am not going to read any of the magazines that I described above. What about you?

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