Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Frigid 50

It's time to look at the unreal world today. I refer to the fantasy world I just don't get, but most people find enthralling, the world called Hollywood. Hehe Of course I am going to take a few shots at those empty headed Hollywood types and do it this time by mentioning the 2006 list of the "Frigid 50". It's put out each year by a movie magazine called 'Film Treat' for the purpose of identifying the least powerful, least inspired and least intriguing people (But I think all of them are this way) in all of Hollywood.
I can name some on the list without me even telling you who they are. There are so many boorish and pretentious types (Brad Pitt and his manipulative Lucretia Borgia, Angelina Jolie leap to my mind immediately) that Film Treat's limiting the list to 50 must have been a difficult task. I will just give you the top ten on the Frigid 50 list because any more than ten would be too nauseating for even a fan of Hollywood films.
Oh... first..some of the Frigid 50 that didn't make the top ten but might have deserved a place on it include: Madonna (She's trying to steal all the African babies from Angelina), Jessica Simpson (Is she a dumb blonde or a singer? I think she should stick to one of those roles and go big time) Robin Williams (Isn't his mugging character act a little stale. It seems all the same to me. Maybe Robin feels the same and that's why he started abusing alcohol so much), Cameron Diaz (The worst looking sex symbol with the least recognizable talent), Denise Richards (Yes, she is the one who has tantrums. Remember when she threw her lap top at a reporter and instead hit an elderly woman who was seated in her wheelchair?), Drew Barrymore (Ugh...calling her dysfunctional is the nicest thing one can say about Drew), Trashy Hollywood Gossip Magazines (Yep, since people don't read anymore, and Hollywood worshipers tend to be more illiterate than not, the Hollywood gossip rag has been replaced by video and blogs of those celebs), Nicholas Cage (Ok, being the nephew of Hollywood's biggest director, Francis Copolla, does make it easy to be a star. But then, a hefty number of other relatives that are put in show business at least have some modicum of talent. Get to acting school Nicholas!).. Now for the top ten winners of the Frigid 50, from bottom to winner.....
* Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes- May God have mercy on sweet Katie's soul,. Being linked with that nut case Cruise is like being damned to Hell.
* Movie Critics- The Frigid 50 is starting to wonder what I have known for years, those Hollywood films are mostly terrible and dumb. Why don't the critics tell it as it is? It might make Hollywood grow up and make thoughtful and entertaining movies again.
* lonelygirl 15- lonelygirl is that very pretty out of work actress who pretended to be 15 years old on video blog. Who would believe that a supposed 15 year old would talk nonsense from her bedroom and drive males of all ages wild with passion. Well, it is one way to get instant fame and get better acting roles.
* Tara Reid- Tara is the non entity actress who became famous because of a bad boob job. I wonder, can a woman with no talent and bad boobs become a star? Hmmmm Why not, the rest of the celebrities are often worse than Tara.
* Mark Cuban- The wealthy Owner of the NBA Dallas Mavericks who pulls as many stunts as possible to be more famous than his players. Right now he is blogging hate about Google. Mark's motto seems to be "Notice me..Please"
* Wesley Snipes- Wesley thinks he is such a big star that he doesn't have to pay his taxes. So now he is in hiding in Italy.
* Lindsay Lohan - You had to figure Lindsey would be on this list. She made number five but will surely try harder to bore us with her juvenile behavior and be number one on the list next year. My biggest question is, "Why is the media infatuated by this plastic little girl?" When will Lindsay decide to grow up and give up being a 16 year old?
* Borat- Hey! I like this character and think he is one of the few comedians who actually upsets people with his humor. Isn't that a good thing? Isn't one purpose of humor to stir the sensibilities of people? Borat makes them all think and examine themselves by being a cartoon character fool. It's not hard to do that, but he does it well.
* Jennifer Anniston- The runner up, Jennifer has stopped being cute and become annoying and hapless. She seems a sweet girl who is too real to fit in Hollywood. Oh well, why feel sorry for her when she is making zillions of dollars doing bad films. And the number one entry on the 2006 'Fridge 50' list is..........................
* Mel Gibson- Talk about a fallen star! This guy makes Michael Jackson seem like a normal and respectable citizen. a DWI arrest, racially prejudiced and anti Semitic remarks religious fanaticism..what's next for Mel? I hope he will just go away.
Are you still watching these characters...

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