Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Computer Evolution

You already know that I am not very knowledgeable about computers (or most electronic devices), but I have used a computer for about 9 years and have seen many changes in computing technology. The latest is that two fellows from California discovered a way to put the Windows XP operating system on Apple computers, and even operate both the Apple an Windows operating system at the same time.
Ha! Apple users must be cringing when hearing that their almost virus and crash free apple computers will be contaminated by the awful Windows operating system. Once one Apple user uses Windows he will start passing on it's many problems. That's not progress...But I can think of many innovations since I first logged one.
Hmmmmmmmmm See how many you recognize (or dispute) and let me know what is your own impression of computer evolution. The first computer I had (I think in 97) didn't even have a pentium chip and the monitor was a 12 inch black screen. It took several minutes to load in a complete page at a web site and logging on the computer was a hit or miss proposition and getting bumped off line frequently was the norm. there was no such thing as a broad band connection. But using the computer was special, almost a private adventure. the Internet was truly free and unregulated, Anything one want to see he or she could, free of charge.
But there were many things missing that are now standard today. In 97 there were few chat rooms' no blogs; little spam; no on-line photo editing; low quality graphics, because graphic cards were crude; no downloads of bootlegged music or films; many computers still didn't have sound cards; monitors were no bigger than 15"; no CD Roms or DVD drives; Netscape ruled the browsing world; nothing was wireless; no zip drives; printers only printed, never scanned, faxed or copied; computers were more expensive; and there were fewer choices of selection than today. It's quite a mixed bag, but I think adds up to quite a bit of improvement and innovation in the past 9 years.
If Microsoft had not grabbed the market early-on (and hindered innovation) I think computers would be as easy to use as a TV- just turn it on and click a few buttons along the way, and it never "crashes". But the days of Microsoft domination will inevitably cease and I will one day write another E mail talking about Microsoft as that awful nightmare we all have (thankfully) been rid of forever. Or perhaps I will use voice programming to and dictate my stupidity, instead of laboring at the keyboard. What do you think?
Are you hungry? Maybe you would try some of the "specialty foods" in Beijing. In Beijing, The Guo-Li-Zhuang, a new restaurant that just opened has some goodies you might like. The menu includes delicacies made with animal penises (it is said eating that is good for the skin) and testicles. There is a special "Dragon in the flame of desire" that is yak penis and a great hot pot that consists of six types of penis and four types of testicles.
If you are a big spender you could try the $400 Canadian Seal penis! Ugh...No I can't help you satisfy your hunger, because don't have the recipes for any of those dishes, nor the ingredients. Thank God I am not a seal.....

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