Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Are Vampires And Ghosts real?

Do you believe in the existence vampires? How about ghosts or zombies? I don't...well at Halloween and when watching those old Dracula or Frankenstein films I do. But otherwise, I know such things are not real. And I know that if you believe in any of all three that I can't convince you otherwise. The belief we have in the non material is hard to either prove or disprove.
But wait! It may be a time for ghosts, vampires and zombies to roam in out imagination, but one physicist named Costas Efhimiou (Ugh..that name sounds like a vampire's), a professor of physics at the University of Central Florida has brought up the subject recently in response to surveys that many Americans do believe in them. Using science and math he wrote to prove that ghosts can't walk among us while also gliding through walls (as in those bad Hollywood films).
It's because that action would violate Newton's law of action and reaction. If ghosts walk, their feet would have to apply force to the floor, but if they go through walls they are without any substance (or weight). Thus, it is an impossibility. S Ghosts can't be both material and non material. To disprove vampires and zombies Dr. Costas decide to calculate mathematically whether a vampire could really suck blood from victims, turning them into new vampires. He computed it on the basis of each vampire sucking one person's blood once each month. Starting with just one vampire and on the basis of the 1600 population (when the vampire belief first appeared) of 537 million humans the math showed that it would take merely two and one half years to whittle the human population to zero.
So we are all either vampires (Hmmmmm Your mail can be creepy sometimes. Haha) or the vampire legends are all fiction. I doubt the believers among us will accept this kind of logic. After all, 1 in 3 Americans say that a house can be haunted and 20% believe in witches (I think those people must be watching too many reality shows).
On the other hand, such legends and myths are fun and harmless. Until you tell me you saw or were bitten by a vampire I won't worry about your belief in them. And can Vampires be worse than Parish Hilton, Tom Cruise or Osama bin Laden? "Bloody right" they can't.

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