Friday, May 15, 2009

Merry Christmas, Fido

The internet sure is educational. I just came across an ad for Christmas presents....for dogs. Yep! They are now selling to the dogs on line at Christmas time. Well, perhaps the human owners, not the dogs themselves, make the purchases, but the gifts they buy are for Fido (See Fido in one Christmas outfit, below). Being curious I decided to follow the link and research some more about the welfare of pets, and specifically , dogs at Christmas. Hehe Aren;t you lucky to hear about it. Woof Woof!
When I was a child we always wrapped a bone or some small doggie toy for our dog. Both of the dogs we had when I was a kid were grateful for any present they got, and unlike some humans of the Paris Hilton persuasion (and some people I see in those shopping malls) our dogs (Dumbo and Tiger) never turned their noose up at what we gave them.
So why will Americans spend an additional $3 billion this Christmas on gifts for their pets? I think it is because our pets are a part of our families (as they were when I was a child) and because marketers have convinced so many humans that their pets need expensive gifts at Christmas. (I wonder if Santa could really a dog in disguise?) The thinking of those humans who are extravagant with their dog or other pet gift, is that if people like the gifts pets will also.
More and more dogs are being treated as four legged people (My dad always did joke with me that Tiger was his best son...'Where is my good four legged son" my dad would smile and say when I was near enough to hear). Dog owners now take their puppies to a spa for a massage or to get a manicure. They are getting the dog's portrait painted to hang next to the human kiddies portraits and even taking Fido to the mall to see Santa. Haha I would love to see one of those Dobermans on Santa's lap.
I looked on line to see what gift suggestions merchants are pushing to the owner to buy for the dog who is waiting for Santa this year. There's.... clothing such as cashmere sweaters or doggie polo shirts, purses, jewelry, daybeds, candy and other food treats....ah...just about anything Paris Hilton wants is also for sale for Fido. Maybe it is because the people who give so many expensive and silly gifts to their pets actually think the pet understands it's Christmas and expects them. Or perhaps the owner is rewarding him or herself by giving Fido all of that.
It can make the dog owner feel like a mom or dad does when they sacrifice or give for their human child. Isn't it ironic that people spoil their pets more than they spoil their kids? One could say that the "pet parent" type can get carried away with it all, but is what. But I suppose charity and love of any sort is a good thing.
However, if I hear that any parent gave Fido a cell phone this year I will personally bite them where it hurts! Merry Christmas, Fido!

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