Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Humanity For Lobsters

We have a couple of Whole Foods markets in New Orleans. Whole Foods is the largest natural foods grocery in the U.S.. It sells only organic products. I like the store and think it has some very high quality, if expensive items. But Whole Foods has become "politically Correct Whole Foods" now.
The reason...It announced it will stop selling live lobsters and soft shell crabs as part of its policy of "treating animals humanely" I'm not kidding. No more live lobsters. Instead frozen lobsters from suppliers who meet handling and processing standards set by Whole Foods that treat the lobsters "humanely".
But the problem with all of this is that lobsters and crabs have no brain. They have no spinal cords and, thus, feel no pain. But whole foods says it is inhumane to keep the lobsters alive and in storage tanks. I think the only pain Whole Foods feels is the pressure from animal rights groups who are damaging the image of Whole Foods with campaigns against its policies. So, even though a lobster will be killed before sending him to Whole Foods, selling live lobsters is viewed as inhumane. My God! Is the determinant of cruelty when the lobster is killed, and not that it is killed? I suspect it is when Whole Foods profits suffer from bad publicity about alleged "inhumane lobster treatment".
To show how ridiculous the whole lobster cruelty issue is Whole Foods announced it is developing methods for lobsters to be "more comfortable" on their way to slaughter. To keep the solitary natured lobsters separated and happy, Whole Foods have designed single layer holding crates on boats and "condos" for in-store tanks that more closely mirror a lobsters natural environment. I think I want to be a Whole Food lobster. They live better than I do.
When is risk a good thing? Most of us would say that the majority of time taking risks brings us gains. But one guy in An Arbor, Michigan may have risked foolishly the other day. The marriage-minded man ran naked through his neighborhood, trying to show his hesitant girlfriend that taking risks is important. He got more than he bargained for when he ended up being chased and shot at.
The couple were discussing marriage early Wednesday when the woman said she wasn't sure if she was ready, according to Ann Arbor police reports. The man responded that taking risks is an important part of life and, to prove his point, jumped out of a first-floor window and ran naked across the street. Before he could return, he spotted a couple walking and hid in some bushes to avoid them. A 28-year-old man noticed the bushes rustling and bare feet underneath, then drew a .40-caliber handgun and ordered the naked man out, police said.
The naked suitor ran away, but the armed man gave chase and threatened to shoot. And he did!(I wonder if he was shooting at..that...you know what) He aimed and fired a shot and the naked man fell to the ground, suffering minor injuries. A resident called police, who arrested the gunman on charges of aggravated assault and carrying a concealed weapon. He was taken to jail.
The naked man was not arrested and didn't want to pursue charges. Sigh..I guess the naked guy didn't want to take the risk of angering the shooter again.

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