Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Adopeted An African Baby Yet?

What's going on with these celebrities who adopt African babies? I mean...why? First it was the nutty couple, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, and next Madonna decided she needed another child and that Africa was the place to get one. Why is is trendy for movie stars to waltz into an African nation and grab a baby? It is noble to adopt and when done sincerely it is a blessing for the child. But I am not sure how much of the adoption of those two babies was out of the need for loving a child or because it is a trendy setting act to travel to impoverished Africa to become the savior of all impoverished children. I mean...are those three really good role models for a baby? Will they make good parents? And what happens to the children when the publicity of the adoption wears off?
One thing is certain, they don't have to wait long to get their African baby. The normal adoption process , which is long an involves many checks on the fitness of the prospective adopter, were waived in both cases. (For instance, Madonna got her Malawi child despite it being against the law for a foreigner to to adopt a Malawi child) I guess, when a movie star wants a baby to promote a trendy image of social consciousness, he or she gets one. Madonna has a history of unstable behavior, Pitt appears brainless and a virtual slave to Jolie, and Jolie is just plain weird (Hehe Maybe she will tattoo her new African baby at his first birthday party with a copy of one of hers).
Would you want a child of yours turned over to those three? Surely, money and fame does not necessarily a good parent make. It's about love, not notoriety. And too, the parents of the children who give up their little ones, do they really have a choice? Their child is living in poverty and desperation. It seems like a celebrity kidnapping as much as an adoption. But then Madonna, Pitt and Jolie present the image of having "saved" an African child from a life of misery. That is good for their careers, isn't it?
Of course, there are many thousands of African American babies right here in the U.S who are unwanted and who would love to be adopted? They are mostly abandoned and unwanted, with no parent anywhere in sight and also very eligible to be adopted by movie stars who want to "save the children". One would think that those three nutty Americans would adopt an African American baby before grabbing one in a highly publicized African production in Africa itself. That would be sensible, though I doubt the media would find it even remotely a appealing a story to broadcast and put on their resumes. (Yes, I am a little cynical about the motivations of those three.)
Hmmmmmmm Maybe those three should have done better for the starving children they claim they want to rescue. Instead of spending the money on the adoptions and more on the care and upbringing of those adopted kids, would it not have been better for Madonna, Pitt and Jolie to just donate that money to the African nation of their choice, so it could be used to feed, clothe and care for many more than the trophy kids they have kidnapped?
Oh...right...I forget... If they diid it the right way they wouldn't have a cute little African baby to show off to the cameras.

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