Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Catholics Copying Islamic Fundamentalists

Beware! It looks like the Catholic Church, in the from of Pope Benedict, is learning some of the doctrine of the Islamic extremists. Benedict is making pronouncements about rejecting science for "faith". It's the "science and faith are never compatible" lie that some fundamentalist preachers use to control their followers.
Recently in a sermon in Munich, Germany he warned that "modern societies should not let science and technology make them deaf to God's message". Here we go again...the fundamentalist nonsense about science and technology being evil is creeping into mainstream religion too. It's another sign that the crazy fundamentalists are taking over mainstream mindsets.
Need some examples to show that Pope Benedict sounds like one of those nutty Mullahs? Here are a few of the things Pope Benedict has said recently that could have just as easily come from the mouths of the Islamic crowd.
- Modern people "suffer from hardness of hearing when it comes to God"
- "There are too many frequencies (science and technology) filling our ears."
- "We are no longer able to hear God because what is said about God is pre scientific, no longer suited to our age".
- "Asia and Africa (the less technological parts) can teach the wealthier west something about faith because they are frightened by a form of rationality (science) which totally excludes God from man's vision."
- "Stick to the old values which have been good for 2000 years." Ugh!! This sounds too much like the crazy fundamentalists and terrorists who use Islam to manipulate and frighten others. Benedict and the Catholic Church now seem to be embracing the "knowledge and science is evil" approach with their followers.
Of course, members of the Catholic Church are far better educated than the poor illiterate Muslims that follow fundamentalism, and thus likely to ignore Benedict's crazy assertions. But that a leader of a mainstream church would resort to such foolishness is alarming. It is more medieval than 21st century and a reflection that mainstream religion may imitate the approach of the fundamentalists in trying to link science and modernity with evil.
Benedict should realize that only the least educated of the flock would buy that nonsensical argument. His pronouncements about such things should be ignored by rational Catholics.
There seems to be more than one way to purchase coffee at Starbucks or your favorite coffee house. In Bend, Oregon, Police arrested a motorist accused of twice visiting a coffee stand while naked from the waist down. Oh my.....that guy needs decaf... Garry Scott Harding, 37, of Bend was arraigned Tuesday on public indecency and stalking charges. The stalking accusation was for having repeated contact with the 16-year-old girl working at the stand. It seems that Garry likes his coffee au naturel but the lady worker at the coffee house where Garry showed his assets told police that he visited the stand twice over the last few weeks sans underwear or pants and then returned another day fully clothed.
She called police during the last visit and officers stopped Garry before he could leave. Garry explained to police that his ex-wife had once removed his pants before the couple visited a drive-thru window in Montana. He said he couldn't stop thinking about the experience and wanted to try it again. Garry also told police that the coffee stand was chosen at random, meaning he may be coming to a Starbucks near you soon. Strangely, Garry denied being sexually aroused during his visits and said he returned the third time to apologize for his earlier behavior.
During his first trip, he told police, the clerk accidentally spilled on him, calling attention to his lack of clothing. He said the drink was a cold one and no damage was done to his "thing". Police found women's underwear during their search of Garry's vehicle, and he told them he likes wearing his current wife's underwear.
I think someone should put something besides cream and sugar in Garry's coffee next time he shows up

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