Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hookers Are Coming

"The hookers are coming....the hookers are coming"....Never mind..Instead I should have chanted, "The hookers are already here" (in New Orleans). In fact, the city is swarming with prostitutes theses days, and it is another consequence of Hurricane Quatrain destroying much of New Orleans.
The post flood era here has sparked a boom in business for prostitutes, largely because of the estimated 50,000 (many who are illegal Hispanic immigrants) out-of-town workers away from their family with money to spend on "lovin". It's like the world cup for sex workers here because not only is business good, the hookers fear no being jailed for soliciting. Where a lack of bed space in our prisons has police giving out summons instead of arresting them. Even when apprehended and brought into custody, sex sellers are often back on the streets in a matter of minutes to sell themselves again.
The fact that a sex worker can make big money here and not fear receiving jail time has attracted out-of-town prostitutes to walk the French Quarter area and do business. I did see one myself when In the Quarter a couple of weeks ago. She openly solicited and I am sure was doing excellent business there. Sigh....One would think the city officials would realize that most tourists do not want to be confronted with such open sex trading. Yet, there has been little crack-down on them. These prostitutes here in Wild West New Orleans are also doing more than walking the streets.
The more professional ones are moving off the streets and onto more advanced and profitable solicitation by using the Internet. It isn't unusual to receive a card from a hooker that has an E mail address or web site address where they can arrange dates. And this more indirect method of procuring customers is making it even harder fro vice squad police to make cases against the hookers. We are also getting some hookers from other parts of the world, as pimps (Haha Isn't this a pleasant E mail today?) import women from Asia, Latin America and Europe. It's just another bit of chaos to deal with, though having hookers on the street is not a great problem to worry about. And come to think of it..... the hookers are at least of better character than the politicians who have abandoned New Orleans.
Touted as a celebration of sport, culture and national unity, the Ethnic Minority Games held in southwestern China descended into a farce of cross-dressing cheating and mob violence, That's right! Sport was never like this before. Athletes representing China's 55 ethnic minorities assembled in southwestern Yunnan province last week to compete in blow-pipe darts, horse-riding events and other traditional sports.
But the blind pursuit of victory sometimes leads to some unorthodox tactics. Results of the women's dragon-boat racing event were reviewed after several athletes complained of "big women with Adam's apples". Referees subsequently found that several of the competitors were actually men wearing wigs. (but I bet they looked cute anyway) A dispute between a team from the games' host city, Zhaotong, and another from Wenshan city in Yunnan province over the result of a wrestling final turned into a brawl.
The Wenshan team was eventually chased away by a local gang with blades and sticks called in by the Zhaotong team. Are you as confused as I?) "I've never seen violence and ugliness like that," a reporter at the games remarked. The nationality games have been held eight times in Yunnan province. "The tenet of the games is to develop the minorities' characteristic sports, build up their health and increase national unity, " Ren Muzhen, the chief organizer, told Xinhua. But the coaches of the boy/girls blamed the unruly scenes on the pressures of having career advancement linked to results. "Coaches and local officials still concentrate on medals and results in this games," a coach told Xinhua. "They have to think about every means to get better results. Sigh..maybe those boy/girls should throw away their wigs and just get that sex change operation and be winners.

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