Thursday, May 14, 2009

Fining For Christmas Decorations

I have found the first Scrooge of the year. It's a homeowners group in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, about 200 miles southwest of Denver. Why am I declaring them Scrooges this year? It's because the Loma Linda (That's the name of the subdivision the homeowner group regulates) has threatened to fine a resident of it $25 a day until she removes a Christmas wreath that has a peace sign in it. Yep! Peace is out this year and censorship in at the Loma Linda subdivision. Those kinds of homeowners groups are often theoretically beneficial but awful in practice when the wrong people get control of them. They are formed to make sure all the residents of the subdivision conform to uniform standards of behavior, decoration and any display that keeps the neighborhood looking pristine. They are voluntary groups formed by the homeowners that a buyer of property them must agree to abide to when purchasing his or her property.
Often they are dictatorial and a menace to the homeowner, so the number of them is relatively small and usually confined to wealthy residents of the more exclusive subdivisions. Well, Loma Linda is in control of the head Scrooge, a man named Bob Kearns, who is spearheading the fining of the homeowner, Lisa Jensen, who dares to display the peace symbol at Christmas time, when peace and love are supposed to be recognized.
Scrooge Bob says that some of the homeowners in Loma Linda who have children serving in Iraq have complained to him that it is an anti war protest and also that three other nuts in the subdivision told Scrooge that, "The peace symbol a symbol of Satan" "Somebody could put up signs that say drop bombs on Iraq. If I let one go up you have to let them all go up," said Scrooge. Of course a peace symbol does not do as Scrooge Bob implies it does- subvert and hurt others. It is a common expression of harmony, not a negative one.
To Lisa's credit she says that she will not pay the fines (which would total more than $1000) because the policy of the homeowners association to regulate simple free expression is an illegal one (She is probably right). Lisa said, "Now that it has come to this, I feel I can't be bullied by them. What if they don't like my Santa Claus and want to ban him too." (I think Lisa just gave Scrooge Bob another ban idea....).
But the association has sent Lisa a letter saying her residents wee offended by her Christmas decoration and that the Linda Loma board "will not allow signs, flags, etc. than can be considered (by them) as divisive." Though the subdivision (why would anyone want to live in such a dictatorial place?) rules say no signs , billboards or advertising are permitted without the consent of the architectural control committee, when Scrooge Bob ordered the committee to fine Lisa for promoting peace at Christmas , all of the members on it refused in protest.
What did Scrooge Bob do? He fired the whole committee and set himself up as a s dictator..uh, I mean sole head of the association . Oh my....someone tell Santa that Scrooge Boob has declared a peace sign as a divisive symbol. Santa should put only coal in Bob's Christmas stocking this year.

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