Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Happy Ramadan (Just in case you are now a Muslim). Ramadan started on September 23rd and goes on for one month. It will be interesting to see if the violence in the world perpetrated by Muslims stops this month. The Islamic rule is that during Ramadan there is to be no hate or violence against anyone else. Ha! We both know that those phony Muslim terrorists won't pay any attention to that tenet of Islam. Instead they will claim "Allah wants us to kill the infidels" or some such nonsense.
But most Muslims are good people and observe Ramadan correctly. I remember my neighbors from the home I had prior to buying this one. Every year in late September they would go through the $;30 am to 6 pm fasting ritual. Around 5 pm each day I could smell the food cooking, the aroma o the spices would waft through their windows to outside. When I would be in my yard I could smell it and saw the cars pull up to their home, filled with Muslim family members and friends. They were there to eat. As soon as 6 pm came they gorged on the food to end the daily fast. They were serious about their religion and I respected them.
But that was before all of the murderous hatred by Muslim extremists had contaminated the whole Islamic religion. I wonder what those former neighbors think about the direction Islam has taken in the past five years, and whether they speak out against the extremism.
Be careful of what toys you pack in your luggage. That's the advice Madin Azad Amin, 29, would tell you after he was "caught with his pants down'..so to speak... in Chicago the other day. Prosecutors say a 29-year-old man traveling with his mother desperately didn't want her to know he'd packed a sexual aid for their trip to Turkey.
So he told security it was a bomb, airport officials said. Madin, of Skokie, Illinois was stopped Aug. 16 at O'Hare International Airport after guards found an object in his baggage that resembled a grenade. When officers asked him to identify it, Madin said it was a bomb (not the kind in his pants, the explosive one), said Cook County Assistant State's Attorney Lorraine Scaduto. He later told officials he'd lied about the item because his mother was nearby and he didn't want her to hear that it was part of a penis pump, Scaduto said.
He's been charged with felony disorderly conduct, and embarrassing mom (just kidding about that second charge) said Andrew Conklin, a spokesman with the Cook County state's attorney's office. Madin's attorney told a Cook County judge Wednesday that all he had done was to whisper that the component was a "pump", not a bomb. The guard misunderstood, and thought he said "bomb," according to defense attorney Eileen O'Neill-Burke. "He told her it's a pump," O'Neill-Burke said. "He's standing with his mother. Of course he's not going to shout this out." However, Judge Gerald Winiecki decided there was sufficient evidence for the case to move forward after the female security guard testified that she heard Amin "clearly" say the word bomb. Amin is charged with felony disorderly conduct, which could bring a three-year prison sentence if he's convicted.
He told the Chicago Sun-Times newspaper after the hearing that security officials did not give him a chance to explain the misunderstanding, that he would never use the word "bomb" while going through a security checkpoint, and does not consider a penis pump an unusual object to own. "It's normal," he said. "Half of America they use it."
Hehe. Don't ask if I am in the same half with Madin

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