Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hang Up And Serve

I have a comment on an increasingly annoying cell phone problem (Yes, I have an unlimited number of those to discuss). It's employee cell use at work. I am seeing it all now as the cell addiction world-wide worsens. They talk on phones (personal conversations) while working retail in an office, even nurses and doctors in the hospital.
I even see grocery store employees who retrieve grocery baskets chatting on their phones as they round them up. Everywhere, employers either turn their heads to ignore the rudeness and waste of worker minutes, or are so addicted to the phones themselves think it is "normal" to waste time at work and annoy customers.
Whatever, I don't see any effort on their part to ban those phones from their employees who are on the job. And it annoys me. The other day I stood in front of a store clerk and waited to check out as she concluded a phone call with her friend about matters so stupid and unimportant I am not going to repeat the content of the call. Haha First the cell nuts use their cells while driving ax entertainment modules, ignoring their driving and creating havoc because of inattention. Then when I arrive at the store, the cell nuts are working as they chat on their phones. They remind me of the 7 dwarves in Snow White who "whistle while they work".
But store clerks and other workers!!! You should hang up your phone and service the customer. No cell phone should be in your hand when a paying customer is ready to transact business. And if your stupid phone rings while you are working (because you are too stupid to turn off the ringer), let it ring and turn off the ringer or phone itself after the customer is gone. The customer is the reason for the business and cell phones are for personal business only. Sigh....I think those phones will give me stroke one day. And if one does...the person who owns it will probably take his or her call and just let me die.....
Beware of where you park your car, even when you park legally. A shopkeeper in Carmel, California got so angry about the way a man had parked his car that he climbed into a forklift, placed the fork under the car and lifted it off the ground, police said. Wasek Safrah, 51, of Ossining, California also punched out both the offending car and the man who parked it, said Lt. Brian Karst of the Carmel police.
He was arrested on charges of criminal mischief and assault. Karst said the episode began at about 5 p.m. Oct. 16 at a strip mall on Route 6 in Mahopac. Safrah felt the car, though legally parked, was blocking his access to a storage container or trash bin and got into a heated argument with the driver, who was an employee of another store and was no longer in the car. Wild Man Wasek then punched the side of the vehicle, denting it. Then he took the controls of a forklift in the parking lot, maneuvered its lifting mechanism under the car and lifted it upward. The car was not moved out of the parking spot, however.
After lifting the car, Wasek allegedly punched the driver in the mouth. The victim was injured but not seriously, . The car was eventually lowered from the forklift and Wild Man was released pending an appearance in Carmel Town Court. Uh...I sure hope that the Carmel Town Court gives Wild Man plenty of room to park when he shows for his court appearance...

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