Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Growing Problem

Not only is it a "wild, wild, wild world" it is becoming a "fat, fat, fat world" according to the International Journal of Pediatric Obesity. The International obesity Task Force says that the number of overweight kids worldwide will increase significantly by the end of the decade, and as a result, scientists expect a huge increase in health problems for those kids at adulthood. Here are some of the conclusions of the Task Force.
1) Nearly one half of the children in North and South America will be overweight by 2010 (it's about 1/3 now)
2) In Europe about 38% of ll children will be overweight in 2010 (It's about 25% now)
3) In China by 2010 20% of the kids will be overweight
4) In the Mid East, Southeast Asia, Mexico, Chile, Brazil and Egypt the rates of overweight kids are already about equal to that of western kids and will grow even faster
5) Living in isolated areas is no longer a safeguard to securing a traditional eating regimen, and thus normal body weight. Essentially, kids everywhere are being exposed to the same fatty food offerings. That is the junk food preference and availability of that for kids everywhere, and the increasingly sedentary lifestyle o kids means that those fat children will become fat adults with many more adult health issues.
Doctors say that this generation of kids will tend to become sicker when older, suffer from heart disease, strokes, diabetes and other illnesses that come with obesity. The result is that this generation of children will be the first to have a lower life expectancy than their parents. I turn the world's health systems will be swamped and then overwhelmed with the number of diseased to treat. New Orleans has always been a fat s city.
But have you noticed more obesity in your city? But wait! This is not the only growing fat problem in the world. People have gotten so fat in Australia that Standards Australia, the group that establishes safety and design standards, is considering recommending the strengthening of "loos" (toilets) due to the increasing number of fat users. Yep..they have remade the loos to fit the fatties in Australia.
The recommendation is now that all toilet seats be capable of supporting the buts of people weighing as much as 150 kilos! No, no...don't even think that I would need anything bigger than that.

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