Thursday, May 14, 2009

Talking With Santa

I almost lost my life to a cell driver today. She came wheeling around the corner, face in the phone, oblivious to anything except her silly call (I heard her chatter and she was gossiping), as she nearly collided into me as I was stationary and minding my own business. But she wasn't a cell driving nut in the traditional sense. This cell nut was driving a shopping basket, not a car. It's bad enough I have to dodge the cell nuts when on the road in my car. Now they try to kill me with their shopping carts.
Did she say excuse me for almost executing me? Of course not. She never missed a beat of her call, never looked at me and failed to recognize my look of chagrin and disgust. Her a phone call was her whole life, but isn't that they way it is for many cell addicts? I am going to ask Santa to take away her phone this year.
Hmmmmmmm Maybe I should get a job as a store Santa this year. I could preach to the kids the evils of cell phones and tell them they would get nothing for Christmas but my 'I hate Cell Phone' speeches if they dare to ask for one of those things. Since I am on the Santa subject and you want me to shut up my cell rant, I will change the subject to Santa himself.
I have a question, an assignment for you (If you fail to complete it, your cell phone will disappear on Christmas night, to be thrown in the nearest river). You have to pretend to be 10 years old again and tell Santa why you have been a good girl this year. Yep, I want to hear at least three reasons you have been good this year. I know you have been good so don't be shy.
I can remember when I did that as a child, but Jane never did write to Santa. She made lists of presents she wanted (at my suggestion) because it made it easier for me to shop for her gifts. But she never written a letter to Santa. I think Jane is the sweetest child of all and an assumption may be that she never misbehaved enough to need to make a case for herself with Santa. But you are a different story!
Give me your good qualities from this year and tell me what you would ask Santa to bring you for Christmas.

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