Monday, May 11, 2009

Stadium Calls

I have another cell phone critique today. Awwwwwww....come one. Don't skim or delete this part. It is therapy for me to rant about those phones that I hate so much, and my mission in life (sort of) to reveal the liabilities of addiction to cell phones. What got my attention today is the news from Cincinnati, Ohio that the local NFL football team has announced one of the worst cell phone ideas of the year.
The Cincinnati Bengal football team says that because of some complaints about "bad behavior" in the viewing stands, fans can now report the abuse by cell phone. Supposedly, if a fan thinks his seat mate is cursing, fighting, the threatening or hogging the seat he dials a telephone number to notify of his complaint and security comes to resolve the problem. How crazy is that! I can envision thousands of teenage pranksters at home, not in the stadium, calling bogus complaints to security to watch the game on TV and see the chaos they create with their calls. Inviting cell addicts to use their phones during the game will be the biggest annoyance of all. Do we really need to invite people to use cell phones ion public at an event spectators pay to see? Isn't that potentially a problem? Might instituting a no cell phone use policy during the game be better?
What is a non cell phone person (there are a few of us left) to do to report the rude behavior of cell addicts jabbering away on their phones while the fans try to quietly enjoy the game? And what happens when the cell nut does calls for security? We all know the invitation to do so will make that a certainty, given so many people use their phones constantly just to hear themselves talk. How will security determine whether the complaint made by the caller is real or whether cell nut is the annoying party him/herself in making a needless calls to security that disturbs fans?
I wonder what idiot developed this policy, No doubt he did it will chattering on his or her cell phone. Well, games in Cincinnati should be interesting. In fact, it might be more entertaining to watch the cell addicts dialing and complaining (about whatever their imagination can formulate as an excuse to use their phones) than to watch the football game itself.
Ever know of anyone who wasn't invited to a party and then just had to get even with the hosts? It mostly is a teen reaction, but in Hunan, China the other day some very grown men, probably with the aid of too much alcohol, decided to get even for being left off the guest list.
Two Chinese power company officials decided they would cut off power to a hotel after they were not invited to its opening party and then force the managers of the hotel to drink till the point of illness before they would turn the electricity back on. The two, who were subsequently fired, said they would lessen the power outage by one hour for every bottle of "bijou" -- a strong grain based alcohol-- two female managers drank, the Beijing Times said. The ladies guzzled for awhile until the two uninvited guests were nabbed by police.
The two revenge seekers, who were executives at the power company in the central province of Hunan, were found to have "severely harmed the image of the electricity bureau" and "caused a depraved social disturbance," a Hunan newspaper said. what it looks like The loss of power also caused chaos and blackouts for surrounding residents, it added. Maybe those two should have just drunk all the bijou themselves and had their own personal blackouts when they passed out.

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