Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Krispy Kremeing Asia

Asia better get ready for Krispy Kreme donuts! The favorite donut of America is now trying to recover from some bad times here (as Americans are finally trying to reduce their waist lines and eat less fattening treats). Krispy Kreme is invading Asia. Hong Kong has one KK outlet, with 19 more planned to open in the next five years. And new Krispy Kreme stores are opening now in Tokyo, Korea and the Philippines.
I am not sure Krispy Kreme is picking the most suitable market for its donuts. I find them very sweet, too sugary for my taste. (But then, Duunkin Donuts are hugely popular in many parts of Asia.) And that is a complaint many people here have about them. Asians do not have the sweet taste passion that Americans and Europeans have, so KK may have trouble selling many. However, the company says many Asians love them when they try them in the U.S , and often bring back boxes of the KK donuts on their flight home.
I have noticed that some Asian nations are passionate about Dunkin Donuts, and that Dunkin makes a ton of money selling in some countries in Asia. But Krispy Kreme is a super sweet donut. I think that KK will lose when going head to head with Dunkin. Too some Asian nations, like Thailand and Indonesia, are more receptive to western sweets, so KK may decide to stick to more certain markets when selling their donuts.
What does all this have to do with me here? Well, I am a donut fan who is interested in all donut matters, and I find the invasion of KK a kind of microcosm of the western food invasion in Asia. One thing for certain many fattening western foods have become staples in Asia. One only need look at the waist lines of the once thin Japanese to see they are eating a lot of western food now. I think that if Krispy Kreme is popular enough in Asia to make money, just about any foreign import might succeed as well. Such "food contamination" tends to kill local favorites, to the detriment of the culture.
There is nothing I like to see less when traveling than the infiltration of American food and and other culture staples. The world has becoming too much like us, and I think Asia can survive better without Krispy Kreme.
Just imagine a cure for stupidity that did not involve rigorous study. It's possible. We have pills to burn fat and cure diseases. Why not a pill to make us smart? Sound impossible...well, it's not. A German scientist has been testing an "anti-stupidity" pill with encouraging results on mice and fruit flies, Bild newspaper in Berlin reported the other day. It said Hans-Hilger Ropers, director at Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin, has tested a pill thwarting hyperactivity in certain brain nerve cells, helping stabilize short-term memory and improve attentiveness.
In other words, the mice no longer react like humans who watch reality TV shows. They show much greater brain activity than needed than when reading a Harry Potter novel "With mice and fruit flies we were able to eliminate the loss of short-term memory," Ropers, 62, is quoted saying in the German newspaper. Uh...just one thing. Not to imply that you need it, but if any of my E mail readers ever decide to use the anti stupid pill I fear you may not want to read my E mail anymore..But then I could start sending my mail to George Bush...

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