Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Creative Spaces

Where are you most creative? I mean, in what place do you get your most creative ideas? I am asking this, not because I am creative, but rather because I read a survey result of the same question and the answer surprised me.
For me, it is when I am asleep. Haha My brain is limited, I suppose, and needs rest to operate (Sigh...don't say it!) But I often awaken the next morning or during the night with an "idea". Don't ask me why and, "No, I don't know why I can't be more creative with my E mail". Well, if you think my answer is strange how about the survey results of the 1,003 adults who answered the question?
MIT has tabulated the survey and found that the place most people get their most creative ideas is in their cars. Fully 20% of the respondents said that was it for them. Maybe the reason for answer is because we spend so much time on our cars. According to the survey, here are the other most creative spots.
- In the office, workplace or in school 19%
- In bed (Hey! I am not so weird after all) 15.5%
- Outdoors 14.4%
- In the bath or shower 4.9%
- Exercising 4.9%
- Watching TV 1.6% ( Shows how mindless most TV is)
- Listening to music 1 % (It is already inspirational itself)
I guess we should hop into bed, outdoors, do our work there, freshen up with a sponge bath, do sit ups and we will create the world's next great product The Stupid Homeowner award winner may have revealed himself the other day.
Well....police haven't revealed his name, in an effort to stop too many people from laughing too loudly at that fellow. What Michael Urbano, the 22 year old resident of Hayward, California did merits my mention. You see, he came home early Saturday morning to find that he was locked out of his house and without any keys to enter. What did he do? He took off all his clothing (allegedly because he felt his naked body would slide better) and proceeded to go down the chimney of his house.
You guessed it. Urbano got wedged in the chimney when a cable TV wire he used to lower himself snapped. Down he tumbled until he was stuck in a section of the chimney above the fireplace. For the next four hours he cried out for help until a neighbor heard and notified police. Firefighters were called and they dislodged him..and....yes....there had to be a reason for his stupidty....they arrested Michael for being under the influence of drugs.
Thank goodness the California prisons have no chimneys.

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