Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Love On A Plane

Most of the time traveling by air is unpleasant. The long flights can be awful on the body. But I read recently in a magazine article that sometimes there is love in the air. Yes, it can be a romantic experience for some. According to the article thousands of couples first met will flying. Some so grateful at it that they even sent wedding invitations to the airline on which they met. Hehe No joke... One airline executive from Southwest Airlines was quoted in the article as saying that the airlines have even conducted marriage ceremonies in gate areas and aboard flights. That's wild. But I doubt such a thing would happen to me. I have no luck in my seating assignments.
I guess we all wonder or fear who will sit next to us. We don't want crying babies or unpleasant people to plop down in the seat next to us. But what is it every time I sit down and buckle up someone who looks like a sumo wrestler and needs a bath takes the adjoining seat. I would prefer to sit next to a pretty lady who allows me to stretch in my seat, engages me in nice conversation and makes me forget the long flight time. I think my list of most desirable seat partners would be (of course excluding you, because it is understood you are first on my list....Hehe)
: 1). a Super model who would find me cute (yes, I no she would have to be visually impaired to think that)
2) Nobody (It has happened a few times)
3) Bill Gates (I want to complain personally about his operating systems)
4) anyone who falls asleep instantly, doesn't snore and leans on the person opposite to my seat (that has never happened to me, but I am an optimist)
5) Jennifer Lopez (I never stop dreaming). But finding love in an airplane seems a little hard to fathom. Have you ever heard about anyone who initially met their spouse on an airplane?
From the 'But I Don't Have The Money With Me" department comes word that a Berlin, German woman came up with a novel idea about pumping gas but not paying the service station for it. She left her friend at the station as a deposit because she said she didn't have the cash to pay for the gas she had just put into her car.
Unfortunately, she never returned to pay the bill or reclaim the friend. Two hours after she left the station with the promise to return with gas money, the gas station attendant called police, who interrogated her "deposit" before releasing her and searching for the "deposit lady". Maybe the station should pay a deposit to a mental health clinic in order to evaluate the clerk who was crazy enough to believe the deposit story.

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