Tuesday, May 12, 2009

More New Words

English is a language that changes quickly, something any language that is to survive must do. It accepts outside influences and sucks up variations like no other language on earth. This probably explains why the vocabulary of the English language is the largest of all, often twice what other languages have.
So the latest new words to be made mainstream English by the world's biggest selling and most authoritative English language dictionary, the Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary, have been released for 2006. There are 100 of them and here are a few of them.
* mouse potato- someone who spends as much time on the computer as the 1990's counterpart did on the couch, the couch potato
* himbo- not the dumb blonde we all like to make fun of. A himbo is a handsome, dumb male of any hair color.
* soul patch- a small growth of beard under a man's lower lip, something Hollywood is making trendy.
* supersize- the extra large fast food meals we get fat on.
* ring tones- sigh....the cell addicts have made this one familiar and popular to everyone.
* spy ware- the sneaky software some businesses install on our computer to let the know we like those porno sites...
* label mate- that is a pop singer who records for the same company as another pop star. They are labelmates.
* drama queen- Hmmmmmm you may accuse me of this when I write my speeches on the evils of cell phones. A drama queen is a person who displays excessive emotional reactions to something. I am not a DRAMA QUEEN!!!! oops, sorry for that emotional outburst.
* qigong- this one comes from China nd refers to the healing art involving meditation and controlled breathing. Drama Queens like me should practice qigong and shut up once in awhile.
* manga- Yep! Those Japanese cartoons made it into the English language
* polyamory- Paris Hilton probably is polyamorous. This word refers to the practice of having more than one open romantic relationship at a time. Uh, didn't we just used to call that "promiscuous"?
* sandwich generation- I think this one is clever. The sandwich generation is the generation of people who are caring for their aging parents while supporting their own children. Hmmmmmmmm I suggest another new word, the donut generation. This would be those members of the sandwich generation who are too fat from stuffing themselves with donuts and other fast food. I think there may be a lot of donut generation members in the sandwich generation group.
* biodiesel- The recent gas shortages spanned this one. It is any fuel that is similar to diesel fuel and is derived from usually vegetable sources such a s soybean oil.
* hurricane people- this one comes from we New Orleanians and refers to evacuees and displaced persons from hurricane Katrina.
That's enough English for today. Instead, you should stop being a MOUSE POTATO, gas your BIODEISEL vehicle, garb your favorite cell phone RINGTONE, and see if you can start a POLYAMOROUS relationship while I QIGONG myself back to reality.

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