Thursday, May 14, 2009

Kicking Charity In The Teeth

I have a story for you today which illustrates both the best and worst in human behavior. I write about it because it shows how a disaster like the Hurricane of 2005 that destroyed most of my region can elicit both qualities in people (in this case in two different subjects). It's a modern day best of times and worst of times scenario.
The evil protagonists are named Delores and Joshua Thompson, residents of New Orleans when the hurricane hit, while the good humans here are members of a church in Memphis, Tennessee who came to the assistance of a number of New Orleans hurricane refugees after the storm hit, when later the refugees were given free relocation to Memphis. The Thompsons, who may or may not be married (When asked, they can't seem to make up their mind as to which it is), managed to convince the church, Temple of Deliverance Church of God in Christ, that their home was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina and that they were deserving of the church's charity.
So the loving members of the church who take seriously their vows to love others and assist them, decided to buy a house in Memphis and give it to the evil two. Yep! After interviewing dozens of displaced and homeless New Orleanians, the pious sounding Thompsons convinced church members to dig into their pockets and buy the house for them. The church determined the Thompson were most deserving of the house and gave it to them..
But wait! The Thompsons never moved in. Instead, they immediately sold the house and kept every penny of the $80,000 they received from the sale, hightailing it quickly out of Memphis to go back to New Orleans. They scammed the church!. When a TV reporter from Memphis came to New Orleans to track down the evil two to get an explanation Joshua replied that they kept the money and that anyone who doesn't like it should "take it up with God".
Evil Delores merely uttered , "I really didn't like the area (Memphis). I didn't and didn't know anybody, so that's why I didn't move in and sold it." Neither have yet to admit what they did was tantamount to theft and misrepresentation of a charity. Ha! Most people would learn to love a city that gave them a new home, but the Thompsons prove Mark Twain's cogent remark concerning the difference between dogs and humans. " If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man." The church is distraught at being cheated and now wonders whether the Thompsons really did lose their home in the storm or if they are even married (When they received the home free the paperwork said "married", but when the evil two d sold the house it says "unmarried"). But the Thompson's stole $80,000 from the church , thumbing their noses at the church and calling the members fools while doing it.
I am not sure if they completely legally transacted this theft (I hope there is an investigation), but as owners of the house they were given they did have tittle and legally can sell and keep the money. Maybe the lies they told on paperwork in receiving or selling the house will eventually cause trouble for the evil Thompsons, but I doubt public disgrace at what they did will bother them. People like Joshua and Delores are empty morally. They feel only profit from their deceit, not shame in manipulating to get it.
And the church members that were cheated will now be a little more wary of giving to others...I mean people who really are in need. That's the bigger part of the incident.

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