Thursday, May 14, 2009

Christmas Ornaments

Today I write something about one aspect of Christmas to which most people give little thought-The ornament. I like the idea of a live Christmas tree in the family room of a home. For the three weeks or so the tree is there it brings a kind of serenity to the room and well as encouraging more enthusiasm for the holiday. The Christmas Grinches don't like a tree in the house. The lights and ornaments for the tree this year are all the same, as I have more than enough from the present and past (my childhood ornaments and some from my late mother's childhood).
One acquires ornaments from many places. The most obvious is from retail stores. They have many varieties, depending on the outlet. But specialty stores have everything from fine (expensive) hand made glass ornaments to ordinary (inexpensive) machine manufactured ornaments. They all look nice, and I think a mixture of kinds is good to have because each tells a story when hung on the tree.
Another place one gets them is from other people. People used to give specialty ornaments as gifts, but I do not think they do so anymore. (I have a couple from an E friend who used to make small ones and send them with her Christmas cards) It's probably because it is so easy to find good ornament today, and because many people like to pick their own style of ornament. But a gift of an ornament is special because it is a yearly reminder of those who give them to us.
A third place from which to find ornaments is from those left behind by deceased family members. I have a few from my mom's childhood that are hand painted wood ornaments. They are unique and a treasure because they not only are pretty but link me every Christmas to my mother. I also have some of the ornaments my family used to hang on the tree when I was a child. I still remember hanging some with my brother, and how we used to compete when hanging them. The ones that were my favorites remain fixed in my memories.. They probably conjure fond moments because I had a very happy childhood and loving family.
When Jane was one year old each year I would an aluminum or brass metal ornament and have an engraving of her name and year placed on it. I have about 10 or 11 of them and they get hung on the tree every year. This is the year I stopped buying it, and maybe that is a subconscious belief that Jane is no longer a little girl. We also have some ornaments Jane made when she was in primary school. They are not fancy but mean as much to me as any ornament could. That's the fourth source of our ornaments- those made by children or family members. Jane also made some glass ornaments last year after buying the globe and supplies at an arts and craft store. The three we have are very pretty, but lazy Jane is apparently not going to make any this year or is just "too big" to do it (Hehe I see teenage trouble on the horizon...)
Anyway, my point is that something so insignificant to others (ornaments) mean more to me. They are not only pretty to see on a tree, but link Christmas to us and to those we love.
Maybe you have some holiday decoration that do the same for you.

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