Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wild Wedding Trend

Hi, once and always Nemesis Lou. Tuesday I am having minor same day surgery on my nose to aid in breathing for better sleep. I will be home that night, but may not be able to respond to your mail. So don't send out the search party if my reply is late. You won't believe the hottest trend in marriage ceremonies here in the U.S? It's the incorporation of pets (especially dogs) in the wedding ceremonies. That's right. Fido is more than just man's best friend. Now is the the best man (or best dog) when the wedding is performed.
I read about this the other day and when first reading the story thought it was a joke. But it is not. In California, almost 40% of all wedding ceremonies now incorporate a dog or some other pet in the wedding vows. Dogs sometimes serve as ring bearers, though some brides are now carrying their little poochie instead of carrying the traditional bouquet of flowers.
I wonder why? Does a pet understand a wedding ceremony? Isn't it silly to give pets human qualities, to in fact pretend they are human? I know some people regard their pets as family members, but putting a pet in your wedding ceremony is like inviting granny to try out for the school soccer team. It does not follow.
According to the story about this subject pet boutiques and suppliers are offering "pet formal wear" (Haha A dog in a red velvet suit...just like Elvis) like dog pearls, tiaras, leopard stoles and top hats. One supplier even makes tuxedos for dogs and cats. Try to get Fido to wear one of those! I wonder if the ceremony halts while the dog lifts his leg?
And what about the guest who is allergic to pet hair? Somehow I just can't understand why a bride would want her wedding pictures to resemble a day at the zoo. And if anyone of those couples tells me Fido cried when they recite their vows I'll bite them where it hurts! Always clean your own mess.
That's the lesson one fellow in Germany learned the other day. It seems that some imaginative thieves stole 7,500 euros ($9,554) from a man by throwing feces at him from behind and then pick-pocketing him while they pretended to help clean up the mess, Glessen, German police authorities said. After withdrawing 8,000 euros from a bank for a holiday the man was struck in the back of the neck by human feces said. "Immediately afterwards two large women (well, they looked like women) came up to him from behind and claimed they had seen someone excreting down onto the street from above," police said in a statement.
The two women then began briskly wiping the filth from the man's clothing with paper towels they had with them. They were soon joined by a third man, who also came bearing paper towels. Only when the smelly victim went to take his foul-smelling trousers to cleaners did he notice that the money had been taken from his back pocket by one of the would-be helpers.
Apparently the victim not only smells, he is also a bit stupid as well.

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