Monday, May 11, 2009

Staying "connected"

I am puzzled by the wave of Internet users who want to be "stars" on the net. You know, by going to sites like Myspace, Flickr and YourTube, they allow themselves to become the star of their own web space show. I know some people have bigger egos than others, and that they want to project their images and tell their stories for "posterity", but just how interesting is most of what they publish there? In most cases (have a look at a few of those sites to se for yourself), amid the brilliant and interesting pages, are unimaginably uninteresting words, photos and videos they throw on at no cost, and hence, with little regard for quality. I this world of "Look at me! I am most important." now comes wave after wave of these show and tell pages.
True, they are accessible or not accessible according to the viewers own choice but when everybody ants to be the center of attention, there's nobody left to pay attention. It's like being forced to watch Uncle harry's slide show of his vacation. Only now there are millions of Uncle Harry's out here, armed with their big egos, small talents and desire to inflict "their world" on others. So these days the Internet lets everyone show their bad or boring content, and sadly, it just isn't very interesting to see. I wonder if the time spend posting that might better be used to do something more constructive and more welcome to others. But then, we do have a right to let our ego shine in other people's faces. What do you think?
From the "Believe It Or Not" department comes word of a strange murder trial a jury was asked to decide. This actually happened in Rockland, Maine and here is what one Douglas Dyer told the jury in his plea to be exonerated for murder. Believe it or not... Douglas said it was just bad luck that his married girlfriend was fatally shot twice , once in the back. And that Douglas should be set free by the jury. Douglas testified that when he was intending to commit suicide with his trusty shooting iron, his lady grabbed at the gun to stop him. Poof, it went off and hit her in the hand. Then as she turned to run out of the door, Douglas followed and bumped into it, causing the gun to fire a second time and accidentally hitting the cheating wife in her back.
But wait! Another accident happened as Douglas flinched from that second shot and banged into a wall in the room, the rifle accidentally firing again and hitting the lady a third time, right in the middle of the back. Is Douglas guilty or a victim of bad luck? Well, the Rockland jury convicted Douglas of murder, sending him to restrict his "accidents" to the state prison for the rest of his life.

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