Thursday, May 14, 2009

Vitamin Overkill

I know some people who pop vitamin pills as if they were medicine and I wonder if al those supplements do what they claim to do for a person's health. I take one multi vitamin/mineral pill each morning in case I am deficient because of a diet problem. But there are so many tablets that are billed as "disease preventatives" or to "stay young and live longer" What's crazy is that there is no proof that those supplements do any good.
And most people who take those are already concerned about their health enough to already be health. But the revenue the pill makers bring in is phenomenal. More that half of Americans use those supplements, spending billions each year on them. But few of the pills have ever been proven to help. And there are bad side affects when some of them taken.
Too an overdoes of vitamins and minerals can cause big problems. I think that the fanaticism about vitamin and mineral supplements is another fad, like the mindless belief that "global warming" is the root of all climate problems on earth. In the end it may be found that excessive consumption of the pills is more of a harm than an asset to a healthy body. Anyway...what health supplements do you use or believe that a person should regularly take?
We had a strange lesson in the value of gas here this week. It happened a hour or so from New Orleans at a gas station in Livingston, Louisiana. Someone named Chaz Watkins pumped $36.50 worth of gas into his car and then told the station owner he didn't have money to pay for it. An argument followed and the store owner, Nardeep Bhullar, 25, fired two shots into Chaz's auto tires to disable the vehicle when he tried to drive away.
Police were called and arrested Nardeep with aggravated assault, criminal damage to property and illegal discharge of a firearm. They also cited Chaz with theft of gasoline. :Let's hope the judge doesn't assign those two to the same jail cell. The explosion would be much more volatile than a gasoline bomb.

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