Monday, May 11, 2009

Alligator Invasion

Have you hugged an alligator lately? Haha Ok, you don't have those creatures, but we do. Since Hurricane Katrina the gator world here (there are about 1 million gators in my small state alone) has been disrupted so much that residents just north of my city can practically hug a gator a day. You see, the storm surge swept mature alligators (the 8 meter or larger ones) into our many canals (a nasty legacy those nasty French left the area when they settled here almost 400 years ago) lining suburban subdivisions along my own lake Pontchartrain ( that big lake, just on top of New Orleans) on your map of Louisiana).
Ha! The residents are complaining about finding huge alligators in their backyards, and some are missing their cats and dogs who became gator food when the beats got hungry. Basically, they rode into the suburbs on water waves from the hurricane and are trapped in suburbia, looking for a way out but unable to find one. The good news is that they are not used to being around and seem afraid of humans. So to prevent the alligators from losing their fear of munching the human residents of my area, alligator squads are out in force to capture and dump the alligators in nearby Honey Island Swamp. We are awash in swamps, and they will be alone and at peace there. Like all humans who log on to those computer love match sites, the alligator is also looking for mates, and this is the time of the year when love looms in a gators mind. Since there is no yet (but I would not be surprised to see someone try the idea of minimal dating sites...) the gators have to roam to find love.
Most of us know better not to feed them and the penalty for doing that is often a hefty fine and jail time, as a tame gator is one who loses fear of human, and hence, is a threat to them. But some fools do bring bags of marshmallows, donuts (It should be a crime to waste donuts on gators!) and bread when they boat or hunt in the swamp and marshlands. Haha At some of our alligator w swamp tour locations the gators have been illegally feed so much they come out of the marsh and approach the tourists in search of food...and the problem is that by feeding the alligators we humans put ourselves back in the food chain for the alligators.
So I vow to not waste a single donut on a single gator by giving them mine. No alligator diet plan for me!! So much for alligator problems. But what about dog problems, or specifically....visiting one's dog after a divorce.
It seems that in Barcelona, Spain, a divorced couple who's names were only listed as Elizabeth and Jose Luis, loved their golden retriever more than they loved each other. And Jose wants to be able to visit his ex pooch "Yako" whenever he wants. But a court in Barcelona has denied his request to make unannounced visitations to see Yako at his ex wife's home, saying that Jose is barking up a wrong tree in even asking for that. After the divorce between Elizabeth and Jose she got to keep Yako but agreed that Jose could visit the dog if he gave her warning in advance of his arrival. Unfortunately, Jose must roam like a cat because he started showing up too often for Elizabeth to handle it. So she stopped letting him in the house. Jose sued, won in a lower court and now has been rebuffed on appeal by Elizabeth.
The exasperated appeal court judge barked at both to stop treating the dog like a person, saying that while pets are important to people the couple had gone to far with the visitation rights agreement. Such an agreement was bound to be a messy (not Yako's :mess", the figurative mess of the agreement) one.
Maybe Elizabeth should get an alligator when she marries again. In case that marriage also failed, I doubt the next divorced husband would want to visit a gator.........

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