Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New Baggage Limits

No doubt you heard about the latest crazy Islamic plot to blow up planes flying from London to the U.S.. I think the world will eventually muster the courage to stop such insanity, but some nations seem afraid to confront them. I wonder why people make excuses for psychotic murder by Islamic extremists, but they seem to not take it seriously enough. What a disaster it would have been to blow up those 12 planes. Surely such plots show that those fanatical Islamics are pretending to be religious in order to gain power and influence over their own people. Too bad the Islamic population is so poorly educated and can't see that the terrorists serve no one but themselves. Here in New Orleans and at every U.S airport there are yet more restrictions on what one can take with him or her when flying. In addition to the wasteful baggage searches we have endured the past 5 years, new items will not be allowed in carry-on bags. Banned from carry-ons are: liquids and gels, including beverages, shampoo, suntan lotion cremes, toothpaste, hair gel, mosquito repellent, mail polish, liquid makeup and few more. All of that will have to be placed inside the locked luggage and the passenger will have no access to them when flying. Not having liquids means no water to carry in the carry-on bag, a big inconvenience, I think. Some people need water for medical reasons and we all know flying dehydrates the system.
Too, the New Orleans airport has unplugged all drink machines on the terminal and will allow only drinks in open containers to be sold there so the passenger can't bring on board bottles of liquids. The policy seems unnecessary to me and will delay flights because of it. What likelihood is there that such items would be used to blow up planes now that the terrorists have been apprehended and their plans known. There are 100's of ways to cause an explosion on board, and I think the terrorists will use a different one to wreck havoc now that authorities understand the mechanics of this one. In fact, the government institutes these policies to make it appear passengers are safe, the allusion that all is under control. But that is not so.
The only way to stop psychotics like the Islamic terrorists is for the average person to refuse to support them. Right now the Islamic community does support the terror, either by direct assistance or by remaining silent in the face of the craziness terror groups perpetrate. And by remaining silent as their Islamic brothers create outrage after outrage the pubic begins to see all Muslims as the bad guys. Mainstream Muslims better retake their religion from the evil forces that have it now or they themselves will become targets from non Muslims. And it won't be a pretty site to see.

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