Thursday, May 14, 2009

Match Making

Guess what is the newest trend in dating for those looking for a marriage partner. According to professional matchmakers it is they who are becoming the in way of finding mister or miss right. Yep! What was old is new. The traditional matchmaker is back in vogue and busy as can be. Apparently, some on-line daters are disillusioned by potential honey's lying about themselves (even some married claiming to be single) that they are turning to pros to find them a mate. And they are paying thousands of dollars to those matchmaking services to find true love.
Surveys show that about 80% of those who use a matchmaker have tried, mom, friends, co- workers, and on-line dating to find the right one. But after frustration with all those, matchmakers then get the call. This might be wise, as sometimes good people meet some one on line that seem genuine but turn out to be a Nigerian who is scheming to make withdrawals from.
But I think one who is educate and worldly might be better able to find love him or s herself on line or off, without assistance from matchmakers. What do you think about the viability of professional matchmakers? Have you ever had contact with one of those services?
One guy (ok..maybe no woman would want to be matched with me either...that makes two) no woman would want to be matched with is Jeffrey Hein, 41, of Hartford, Wisconsin. Jeffrey is a bit overt in his style of attracting the attention of women. As a result he has been ordered to spend 60 days in jail and been put on to years of probation. What is Jeffrey doing to merit jail? Well, he has been placing photographs of his genitalia on cars driven by women in nearby Menomonee Falls. it's the approach to getting female attention.
Though Jeffrey says he did it and those are pictures of his love jewels on the cars, he claimed at the trail that he only did it because he is depressed about the three deaths ion his family and the failure of his marriage.
Hmmm Imagine how depressed the ladies must be when they see their cars decorated with love muscle pictures? Let's hope Jeffery didn't go to one of those matchmakers to find himself a new mate.

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