Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cell Chatters

It's been awhile since I commented on my least favorite things in the world- those cell phones that surround and hound me every day. So here I go with another E mail about why I hate the world's least helpful and most obtrusive invention. This time I rant about the cellular chit chat I am forced to listen to in public. You know... the inconsequential, idiotic conversations that make up most of those cell calls.
Telephones were invented and at first mostly used for useful purposes, but cell phones seem to be only meant to entertain a world of bored and uncreative people. Is it really such a dull world in which we live that we must mindlessly gab on a cell phone about stupidity all day? I'm not over-hearing calls of importance. No one is calling to rescue someone or to find out about how Uncle Harry is doing in the hospital. Nope. The calls I overhear are more often about giggling, linguistically impaired foolishness. Why must people entertain themselves with such chat when they are driving or walking about in public? Don't they have brains to think about matters of importance as they try to reach their destination? Maybe they never think at all, and chatting on a cell phone is the highest order their brains can reach.
Cell calls in public should be only for matters of importance, not casual chats as the user wheels the grocery cart in a store or roars into a cell phone in a doctor's office waiting room filed with strangers. Don't those idiots realize they are annoying others and showing their own superficiality at the same time? It's no wonder cell owners worry so much about their "free minutes". The cell providers seduce the brains of the cell addicts and capture them by giving them more minutes than they need or can sensibly use. So what do those cell addicts do? They use their minutes on calls that are stupid! (Hehe It's ok, I didn't really have a stoke. The exclamation is only for dramatic effect.)
Maybe the cell phone companies should offer a plan that gives more than " free minutes". How about one that gives those cell addict's some brains.....

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