Thursday, May 14, 2009

Not Interested In These

I like to watch news and informational programs, and always have. Even as child I read news magazines and looked for information to absorb. But those days were different than these. Today most news we get is entertainment, propaganda, or just plain stupid. So while watching the news on TV and reading about it in my newspaper and some magazines the other day I thought it would be a good time to complain to you about it. Haha Lucky you...hearing another of my silly rants.
Anyway, I just want to let someone j know some of the news I DO NOT want to hear about anymore. Maybe you can make a list of your own or just s agree or disagree with some of my choices. Here are five of my choices (I am sparing you from reading any more than that....thank me for it) for news that we don't need to know.
- The status of Angelina Jolie and all the other empty headed movie stars. Angelina can dump Brad, adopt all the babies in Africa and tattoo her body completely. I just don't think my intellect is improved by hearing about it all.
- George Bush's speeches on why terrorist will rule the world if we do not let him become the absolute (irresponsible) dictator of the world. But I would like someone to point out that Bush is the one who created much of the terrorism he claims he must protect us from.
- Hostages in Iraq and in other nutty places. When those civilians get themselves in trouble being where they know there is danger and where they have been advised to vacate, I don't want a weeping spouse to tell the news cameras that "The US. government isn't doing enough to find him/her". That's ridiculous, the government told your spouse not to go there. He or she got into the mess because of his or her own stupidity, Shut up and deal with it!
- Reality TV shows, "idol" TV shows, paris Hilton TV shows... Don't people realize their IQ falls a couple of points every time they watch that stupidity. It is vapid...but then so are the brains of some of the viewers. Statistics show more people voted for their American idol favorite than voted for their political candidate in the last election. for idol but not for your government representative. Maybe political candidates should be put on Idol shows so the voters would have a reason to participate in democracy and actually vote?????????
- Global Warming stories.... every time I read or see a global warming propaganda piece it makes me hot. Sure it is a possible scenario. But the outrageous "evidence presented is often both un scientific and insulting. Maybe if politicians and celebrities would shut up about the trendy global warming topic, scientists could tell us what they really believe. Nah, it won't happen. People never listen to evidence. they prefer Matt Damon's expert analysis on the fate of the earth.
Oh...I know. You don't have to tell me. What you are not interested in is this kind of stupid analysis

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