Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Nuclear Danger

Jane and two of her friends painted Halloween pumpkins this past. It was cute. They were watching a spooky Halloween movie on the Disney Channel (TV) and would paint during commercials I am glad I had the extra pumpkins for them to do that The two other girls took theirs home to display there and Jane put hers outside near the front door. Kids have the imagination and spirit to do those kinds of activities well.
Now that "Little Kim" of North Korea has successfully tests his nuclear weapon (thanks to all the nations who sold Little Kim the materials and know how to build one) the world has a total of 8 declared nuclear states (The U.S. Russia, Britain, France, China, Pakistan, India, and North Korea) and one undeclared one (Israel). I also read that there are approximately 40 states that have the technical capability to build a nuclear device (Horrible places like Iran and Saudi Arabia, included).
So I wonder why the fuss about North Korea setting off that tiny nuclear device. Isn't there already so many devices and so much capability to make the fuss un necessary? But dictators like Little Kim probably wouldn't attempt to use their weapons, given that they are small and the dictator would be wiped off the face of the map by the larger nuclear powers who would retaliate. The greatest threat is that Kim or his kind will sell the technology to the nutty Islamic terrorists or some other crazy or power mad group and that it will use it.
If for example, a small (10 kiloton) nuclear bomb had been used on the Twin Towers in 2001 instead of those planes crashing into them, more than 1 million people would have been killed that day and the city and surrounding are would have been contaminated and unlivable for 1000's of years. It may be negative to say so, but I think there is nothing the world can do to prevent that kind of private nuclear use. There are so many possible avenues for the crazies to get those weapons we must simply hope they won't. Sigh..It's not a pleasant prospect.
Forget nuclear weapons for a minute. How about the power of nudity, instead of nukes, to blow up the mind of a child. In Riverside, California a 40 year old woman, Alexis Garcia, decided to expose herself to a 14 year old boy in order to ignite his "warhead" Hehe But the odd thing is that it was completely legal for her to disrobe in front of the boy.
Alexis was cited by police earlier this year after exposing herself to the boy as he played basketball next to her house late at night. Alexis said that the boy was making too much noise, so she went outside on her sun deck dressed only in a house robe and proceeded to flash both the boy and "his ball".
Too, Alexis told the boy, as he ran inside to tell his parents what he saw, that she would "do it to him every time he played basketball". But the judge hearing the case dismissed all charges of indecent exposure against Alexis, saying that the law is gender specific toward males in that it applies only to men because of the wording of it. The law says that "anyone who exposes HIS" person shall be guilty of indecent exposure. Alexis is female, so she was set free of the charges. My only question is where Alexis lives. I have my basketball and want to play outside her door too....

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