Monday, May 11, 2009

Too Much Protest

Those rallies in the U.S. n late March by millions of illegal immigrants are amazing to me. That people who are committing a felony by entering a country illegally, could openly protest that the country in which they reside illegal, is astounding. I love immigration, but only legal immigration. The problem in the U.S the past 40 year is that a flood of criminals, drug dealers, uneducated have come with that group. Those would have bee screened out and forbidden to be here in the legal immigration process.
Anyway...I won't rant too much again about this subject, but just have a observation about the power of public protest. I think the diverse and powerful media makes even the most unworthy protest (i.e. the illegal immigrants insistence in being allowed to break immigration law) seem a valid one. And this is happening in many places in the world, maybe even in your own part of the world.
Need examples? How about that crazy Muslim cartoon protest? The deluded Muslim world even convinced much of the Non Muslim world that censorship of unpopular ideas was right. Or how about the constant protests in France against whatever the legally elected government decries. At present it is a violent protest by hundreds of thousands of French men and women who don't like a new labor law the government has decreed. It has virtually shut down some cities. How about the tantrums,..... er...I'll be nice and use the word "protest" we see with regularity at World Trade, IMF, World Bank G8 or other world summits.
Most of the time the issues being protested are so abstract as to make one wonder how anyone could pay attention. Well, the mediums that report it are what makes them so. Our news mediums often regard entertainment as a part of every newscast, so if a crazy guy with no shirt and a protest painted on his belly is willing to put on a show, the mediums will oblige and run their cameras. As long as viewers watch a large enough segment of them will believe the protest is genuine, and what would have formerly been ignored in the time before TV satellites, the Internet and other mass communication improvements now becomes the viewers reality.
In the end, it is the fault of the masses for letting the inconsequential become relevant. Just as people world- wide watch silly "reality" TV or programs that allegedly pick the next "idol", they indulge the media circuses of those protests, and genuine issues that should be protested and observed become replaced by illegal immigrant protest demands or cartoon insults. Sigh... I should organize a protest of all of it!
Well, for a little more amusing protest, how about the "baby boiling" protests of the Chinese government? That's the one that started after Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said that when China was under the Mao regime there was a great deal of baby boiling going on. Hehe Berlusconi said that communists in China had a history of boiling babies. "Go and read the black book on communism, " he said. "You'' find that under Mao's China they didn't eat babies but boiled them to fertilize the fields."
Naturally the Chinese government made the obligatory denial, though it might be best to ignore the ramblings of Silvio. He has a long history of insulting everyone with wild accusations. The Chines Ministry took the high ground and ddi not point out that Silvio probably has a few loose screws and even in Italy is seen as a nut. They simply said that "We are all dissatisfied with this groundless talk."
I wonder what Silvio thinks about those illegal immigrant protesters or the Muslims cartoons? Sigh...I should be smarter and ignore whatever he or those protesters have to say.

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