Monday, May 11, 2009

300 Million And Rising

It seems to be getting crowded here. According to the Census Bureau the U.S. population will reach 300 million sometime this fall. Given that in 1967 we had only 200 million, why the big jump (a 33% increase)? It's the illegal immigrant surge that has done it, and most of that coming from Mexico and other Central American countries. Those largely poor, uneducated and sometimes criminal illegal immigrants account for more than half the increase in total U.S. population each year, as they reproduce and settle in the U.S. It's interesting how this invasion of Hispanics has accelerated. In a 1970 census taken there wee only about 9 million Hispanics here (about 5% of the population). Now the estimate is nearly 60 million. In 1967 there were fewer than 10 million people in the U.S. who were born in other countries, about one in 20. Now the rate of foreign born ( the vast majority of those from central America) is about one in eight. This changes the culture of the country drastically, as I have seen over the years. The U.S. is not what it once was in the 60's, a country that was fairly homogenous in nature, Now this country is a global community, for better or worse. I think until recent years it has been g for the better. Without bright, industrious immigrants the U.S, can not work well. We have always thrived because the best and brightest left their homes to seek economic gain here.
But the immigrant pool we have gotten in recent years from Mexico and other areas south of the border is hardly the best and brightest. In fact it may be the opposite. I think there is little argument the drug flow into the U.S. began in the early 60's when the U.S government decide to open the borders to anyone who wished to walk through. Drug dealers in Central American, gang members, illiterate peasants who could not make it in Mexico....they all rushed into the U.S. and are coming at an ever faster rate now as the U.S. government winks and allows them to enter.
I remember a conversation with Gary, an English Second language Teacher in my school whose family immigrated was from Honduras in the 50's, that summed it up. Gary taught the ESL kids, 90& of whom were from Mexico and Central America. I paraphrase his comment about the decline in quality of those "immigrants" most are illegally here). "These kids are illiterate in their own language. Many have gang ties. They offer little of value to the U.S. In the 50's and before the immigrants from the same areas were educated and productive. They were an asset to the U.S. What we see here now are the lowest level of society, the unskilled and unwilling to assimilate."
Fortunately we also get some "good immigrants" from Europe, South America , Asia and Africa. Those are legal, and must show an education and skill level to come. They make the U.S. better. But they are in the minority now. We are becoming a huge welfare state supporting illegal immigrants with education, medical, housing, food assistance. The culture has been "dumbed down" as the educational systems must lower expectations to meet students who can not read in any language.
It is, in my view, the beginning of the decline and fall of the U.S. Excuse my rant today, but it is distressing to see one's home decline through self abuse (not expelling illegals and enforcing a sensible immigration policy). There seems little political will to formulate a fair immigration policy that attracts winners instead of giving sanctuary to losers who offer no benefit to the U.S. I anticipate an even more rapid decline of the U.S. in the years ahead and yes....I'll be willing to make a bet with you right now. I bet the 300th million child born in the U.S. will be a Hispanic, and probably the son or daughter of an illegal immigrant.
If you have your disco shoes on and are in Beijing, better change to more acceptable footwear. That's because the anti disco revolution has been started in Beijing. Beijing's has officially banned disco and other dance music in private rooms of nightclubs and karaoke bars in an effort to curb the flood of illegal drugs that have come to those venues. The ban was announced to all dancing fools in the Beijing Times the other day. "Because many drug takers regularly dance and go crazy to upbeat 'disco' music in private rooms, police have specially requested karaoke machines not have this music." It is part of a "responsibility agreement" forced on 1,100 Beijing club owners there, meaning they have no choice in the matter.
Random urine tests will be conducted for all club employees because the government says club worker "addiction" was a major reason for the drug abuse in the clubs. Let's see....the government says because there are drugs in the clubs disco must be the cause. But club patrons do other things in the club besides. They go to the rest room, for instance. Hmmmmm maybe using the rest room causes drugs too.
Maybe the government will ban bathrooms as a result. No toilets.... could be messy ...definitely leave your disco shoes at home

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