Sunday, May 3, 2009

Too Many Vegetables For Me

Poor Jane limped to school on crutches today. She fell on the stairs at school yesterday afternoon and I think sprained her ankle badly. Her mom will check with the doctor to see if we need to have her ankle X rayed.
Sometimes I like to write about various lists I see. You know, like the top cities in which to live or the ten things women like the most in men. I have another list today which fits into the peculiar category. It concerns the latest craze in some segments of Hollywood- vegetarianism. I have to first define the term vegetarian because there are several types of them.
* Pure Vegetarians- They eat nothing but pant food, no animal foods, fish, eggs, dairy products or even honey.
* Vegans- Isn't that a cute name for this one? But these are the real wacko vegetarians. Not only do they not eat all of the above, but they don't even USE anything from animals (like fur, leather, wool and silk) Bridgett Bardot, the 70 ish former sex kitten is one of those. They tend to hold very extreme views about animals and regard their fellow humans as annoyances to their animal based world.
* Lacto Vegetarians- These are vegetarians who also use dairy products
* Lacto Ovo Vegetarians- These are the vegetarians that use both dairy products and eggs (Hey! Isn't an egg an "unborn animal child". Seems a little hypocritical for this group unless they are vegetarians only because of diet, not animal concern).
* Pesco Vegetarians- They eat veggies and also only fish
* Ollo-Vegetarians- The more sensible ones, in my view. They eat both vegetables and all poultry products. Vegetarian diets are like any others. They have both good and bad aspects to them. I don't think any medical authority would say a vegetarian diet is the best or a better one. Anyway..... Some very sensible celebrities are vegetarians, and I admire them all for their sincerity (but I want no part of that diet). Among the famous ones in history were: Leo Tolstoy, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Charles Darwin, Henry Thoreau, Leonardo da Vinci, Ghandi and Socrates. But Hollywood is now full of vegetarians, simply because it's the trendy thing to be these days. Some like to flaunt their vegetarian lifestyle to participate in "animal rights" events that help boost attention to the celebrity's career. (I suspect some of those Hollywood vegetarians are sneaking a burger now and then)
And now to the list I mentioned above. It's the PETA annual online poll of the "World's Sexiest Vegetarians" in which 40,000 starving, meat deprived voters cast ballots.. The winner this year is Prince, another of those fading musicians, who a few years ago write in one of his albums about the ills of wool production. So Prince is the vegetarian post up boy. Do you think he's sexy? The female winner was an actress I have never heard of, one Kristen Bell. Is she sexy or like many vegetarians, a bag f bones? The list of runner-ups are as follows
- Nathalie Portman
- Nicolette Sheridan
- Jaoquin Phoenix (No wonder he lost that fight to Russell Crowe in Gladiator. Somebody give Jaoquin a burger. He needs meat)
- Anne Hathaway (the lady in the gay film Brokeback Mountain. I suspected vegetarians had something in common with gays...
- J.D. Fortune (Who?)
- Pamela Anderson ( My goodness! I thought all Pamela did was have sex with disgusting looking men. Apparently she eats veggies too.....probably while in bed...I hope not with an animal)
- k. d. land (another gay vegetarian)
- Leonard Nimoy (I guess this one makes sense. Star Trek's Spock is too "logical" to eat meat)
- Woody Harrelson (Finally something Woody does that's not self destructive).
I don't know about you, but I think it's time to grab a beef an lamb shish kabob and forget all about trendy eating.

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