Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cell Driving Proposal

Good news for me on the home front as pertaining to the device I most despise- the cell phone. My state highway safety commission has come to its senses and is recommending legislation to the state legislature that would ban cell phone use by drivers younger than 18. Though adult cell nuts are the bigger abusers of public safety when they chatter away and drive one handed, this is a nice idea that I hope passes and leads to more cell driving restrictions.
Ha! Just today as I was driving in the parking lot of a post office a crazed cell driver barreled at about 60 km through the lot, nearly crashing into an unsuspecting driver. The cell nut kept on moving, never slowing down and probably never realizing she was putting the other drivers in jeopardy. Anyway, that proposed cell driver ban for the under 18 crowd would result in a fine of $175 for a first offense, with an optional 30 days in jail. For a second offense the penalty would be "up to 90 days in jail and a $500 fine, as well as a loss of driving privileges fro 90 days. But being realistic about this, even if it does pass, judges are unlikely to put teens in jail or mete out steep fines.
One penalty that I think should be mandatory for those cell addicts is the confiscation of their phones and a ban, perhaps 6 months for a first offense, of using any cell phone during the punishment period. I think taking away the offender's phone is the nightmare they would most fear. Addicts need to chat though. Haha They may claim it "cruel and unusual punishment" (the 8th amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits that) if not allowed to waste their time in annoying others with their phones.
What's in a name? I guess there is a lot we can glean from the names of people and places, but what about street names? To answer that question Mitsubishi Motors sponsored a poll here on the web at www. The More than 2,500 U.S. voters selected what they think is the "weirdest, wackiest and wildest" street names in the U.S. The Mitsubishi panel that screened the street names narrowed them down to a top ten list from all the nominees sent in. Here is the list of winners.
10) Tater Peeler Road (in Lebanon, Texas)
9) Count and Basie (an intersection in Richmond, Virginia, not the great Jazz musician)
8) Shades of Death Road (Warren County, New Jersey)
7) Unexpected Road (Buena Vista, New Jersey)
6) Bucket of Blood Street ( Holbrook, Arizona)
5) Clinton and Fidelity (an intersection in Houston, Texas, not a reference to ex President Bill)
4) Lonesome and Hardup (an intersection in Albany, Georgia, not my mental condition)
3) Farfrompoopen Road (in Tennessee, this is the only road that leads to "Constipation Ridge") 2) Divorce Court (Heather Highlands, Pennsylvania)
1) Psycho Path (Traverse City, Michigan)
Don't ask me what those places call their hospitals.........

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