Sunday, May 3, 2009

Lies Told

New Orleans Incumbent mayor Ray Nagin was re-elected last night by a 52% to 48% margin. Had I been eligible to vote I would have vote for Nagin also. He has been the media fall guy for the storm, but prior to it was heralded as a fine mayor who had almost 80% popularity approval. Then the hurricane came and blew away those ratings. His opponent is a career hack politician , the son of a former mayor and brother of a U.S. Senator. That fellow is all polish and no substance. Thankfully, the voters rejected him.
What's the biggest lie women tell? Before you kill me for asking such a stupid question, I plead innocence (Well, maybe stupidity, for bringing the subject up altogether), as I am just relating an article I read today about what the article called a "lie". And that female lie is....that one half of all women lie about their weight. And an unbelievable 1/3 of females cut the size labels out of their clothing.
What's more, this poll of 500 women taken by the British magazine Grazia, says that the ladies say they want to lose an average of 9 kilos. Only 1 in 50 women is actually happy with the way her body looks and that the ladies said on average the majority of women "worry about their bodies" every 15 minutes. Here ae some other results of the poll.
-seven out of 10 women think life would improve if they had a "better" body.
- when a woman steps on her scale and sees as little as one kilo increase in weight from her last weigh-in, it can "ruin her day".
- The women says they take laxatives and fast to lose weight - Their body parts most women say they hate are: thighs ( 87 %), waist (79%), breasts (65%), feet ( 65%), face (59%) and teeth (57%)
- Almost every one of the 5000 said they dieted at least once and 41% said they watch their weight constantly. Well, as a man I absolve any woman of guilt about lying about their weight. It's not really "lying", just adjusting the data...and the ladies are pressured so much by society (particularly by other women) to be thin, while we men can be fat and not have it affect our self image.
But what about male lies? According to another survey of 2000 people in 16 countries that was conducted by Harlequin Enterprises (the publisher of those Harlequin romance novels), men most lie about their current love relationships, jobs or personal finances. Forty one per cent of those lying men say they do it because they are "nervous trying to make a good impression" Hmmmmmm That's three likely lies for men and one for the ladies. I guess this is the point where I should ask if you ever tell any of these lies or if any of this seems accurate. Uh, can I trust you to tell me the truth if I do ask you?
I have a nominee for "Shopper of the Year". She is a 36 year old unidentified woman who was arrested yesterday for her excess. Why, apparently she didn't even want to leave the Pamida discount store where she was apprehended. Police were called by a Pamida store employee reporting that the lady was trying to pass a bad check at the register of the store. The shopper of the year candidate was i the checkout line as police cars showed up at the store, but rather than leaving the store through its front doors, she bolted for the back of the store. But police used dogs to track and find her in....the suspended ceiling.
She currently sits in the county jail, one with no suspended ceiling.

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