Sunday, May 3, 2009

Leading Them Astray

I know the Islamic fundamentalists were over the edge in their antediluvian views about religion and social justice, but apparently those feelings run deeper than the crazy fundamentalists. In Saudi Arabia, the government itself, in the voice of King Abdullah has recently told newspaper editors there to stop publishing pictures of women because they allegedly cold "lead young men astray". How crazy is that, and how ironic?
Homosexuality is rampant in Saudi Arabia and other societies where the citizens are repressed and women treated as objects. If anything, such directives from the government will only lead men "astray" more, for they are being told women are not the equal of men. Even though women still can't vote or drive an auto in Saudi Arabia, recently pictures of Saudi ladies dressed in Islamic headscarfs have been published in stories about "reforms for women". But not anymore.
The King told newspaper editors to stop publishing the pictures because "One must think, do they want their daughter, their sister, or their wife to appear in this way?" Well, no one is going to tell the King "no". But the King says the youth in Saudi Arabia are "driven by emotion". An in turn driven into the arms of male lovers because women are seen as nonexistent and unworthy. Whenever I hear mainstream leaders in Islamic countries thinking and taking the way of their Medieval ancestors, it affirms that there may be more Islamic nuts out their than normal Islamic believers.
Are you tired? No, are you exhausted? The why don't you go to the Seven-Eleven and get a can of oxygen for a pickle-up. That's the refrain these days in Tokyo where exhausts workers can grab a "Q2 Supli, at several Seven-Eleven outlets. It's all a part of a sales marketing ruse to appeal to overworked Japanese businessmen who are known more for their devotion to long hours at their work space than to taking care of their own health. The oxygen costs about $5.50 in a 3.2 liter spray can of 95 per cent pure oxygen. Each can has a small oxygen mask attached to the top of it, and a single can is good for about 35 doses, in either grapefruit or peppermint fragrance. And NO! My postings aren't so bad that you need oxygen after reading it....

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