Monday, May 11, 2009

Internet Brings Freedom

It's curious to me why the Chinese government has finally decided to try to censor blogs and search engines for material it says is "obscene or subversive" (i.e. all information that shows the government is not telling the truth). Isn't it too late to do that? Sure the government can control search engines that users in China have access to, but blogs are not something that is so easily watched. Anyway President Hu has already made the announcement that free information will be a thing of the past and some web sites have been shut down and several Chinese journalists who dared to speak the truth have been jailed. But it's too late for that. The government should know by now that in encouraging internet use for business and education it has opened the floodgates and the truth about policies is now just a click away for anyone in China to see. China now has the second biggest Internet user population after the U.S. with 11 million people on line. It is growing fast and will soon take over as number one in total; population using it. Last February China launched a campaign to "purify the Internet environment" that was a colossal failure. Thus, the latest attempt to deny free access of information to the more than 40 million Chinese citizens who regularly use blogs.
Such widespread censorship can not be achieved short of "disconnecting" the Internet. But to do that, commerce would fail and China would face economic ruination. For every government attempt block sites, people have found ways to access them and that will continue.
Yep! The Internet has brought more freedom of expression to China than all the years under the Communist regime. There is no turning back now, to the benefit of China. I think China is destined to be the next greatest power, over taking the U.S. and commanding the world lead. And when that occurs the communists and other dictators will be gone form the scene. fort without complete freedom there is no chance for such domination. Long live the internet, in China and everywhere else in the world. Once the internet opened its doors and China looked in there was no going back to controlling information.
I thought I heard of all the possible surgical procedures. But then, that was before I had heard of a convict from Pakistan named Fateh Mohammad. Fateh gets some publicity from me today because of what surgeons removed form his body. Don't even bother guessing what or where they operated.
You see, Fateh just had a light bulb removed from his anus. Yep! Fateh says he awakened in his prison cell and found a glass light bulb sticking out of his butt. After surgeons removed the bulb (But I wonder if Fateh is now able to "see the light of day") Fateh summed up his feeling of relief best saying, "Thanks Allah, now I feel comfort. Today, I had my breakfast. I was just drinking water, nothing else".
The surgeons had to take out the bulb intact, for broken fragments would have been a problem to remove. As for how the bulb got there, Fateh says he doesn't know. Haha I think if I had a light bulb jammed in my butt I would know when it entered. So I am suspicious of Fateh's claim of ignorance. He is in prison, not for stealing light bulbs, but for making alcohol, one of the many things Muslims law in Pakistan says is a no-no. "When I awake I felt pain in my lower abdomen, but later in the hospital, they told me this, " said Fateh.
But the doctor who removed the bulb says he doubted anyone else stuffed a bulb in Fateh's butt. Apparently Fateh "lights up his life" by "turning on his anus".

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