Monday, May 11, 2009

Global Cooling

Hold on to your seat I am going after one of those trendy subjects you have embraced- the Global Warming Hysteria. Well sort of...indirectly....just read.... I want to discuss global cooling today. That's right, global "cooling".
The reason I am interested in this subject is that I am tired of the trendy but largely unproved global warming theory that media outlets have propagated from a hypothesis into a truth much of the world believes.
Yep! I do not accept global warming as anything more than another hypothesis, one that may or may not be true, but that certainly should not be assumed as real.. So let me write about what was the commonly believed theory of the 1970's- that the earth was entering into a period of global cooling.
In the media, disaster is news, and today's easiest disaster to propagate is the idea that the earth is rapidly heating because of human abuses. This principle has been exploited shamefully (as in the new Al Gore book and film "An Inconvenient Truth") and skillfully by ecological scare-mongers who have convinced the average person that global warming is fact. And to dare question it! Why I am denounced as a fool when I do that.
It amuses me that the models used by scientists to portend global warming are the same ones used in the 70's when every reputable scientist was certain we were heading into, not global warming, but rather a new ice age. Those models predict the weather 100 years or more ahead, but what meteorologist today could even predict your local weather 2 weeks from now. None. Ha! I would like those global warming fanatics to tell me as precisely as they claim they can predict the global warmed climate of their imagination, what will be in my local weather for the next 6 months (I want temperatures and all, just as they give when shoving their global warming predictions down my throat). Of course they can not do it.
Those models they use today to predict global warming are based on hypothesis and have not been tested over even as much as 25 years. Too, different global warming models yield variations in temperature as much as 400%, making productions of global warming (or global cooling for that matter) about as reliable as the gypsy fortune teller, that coin we flip or the bet we place on a horse race. That is, they have about a 50% probability of being right, as we all do when we guess.
All scientists admit that changes in temperature over very short intervals (what global warming activists use as their models) do not provide a reliable picture of how the climate is changing. All scare monger types who predict either a cooling or warming know little about how the environment works. Scientists just don't have the long term data or the understanding to do that. Maybe the global warming movement is so popular now because it has become a billion dollar enterprise with many jobs, funding grants, and jobs and prizes for scientists who promote it.
And as I mentioned above, the media loves it just as much. It's news, just as the global cooling hysteria of the 1970's was. And the media makes huge profits by promoting global warming. So here is my hypothesis why we are about to enter into, not global warming, but global cooling...(stop laughing)
- In the last 2 million years or so the earth has had 17 verified Ice Ages. It is illogical to assume that we won't have one soon. Why not today?
- Scientists agree that global warming can sometimes lead to cold weather or even a worldwide freeze. Maybe your global warming is now about to become global cooling.
- You know those ice bergs in the North Pole that the global warmers always cite as evidence that we are burning?....well, yes, they are melting. But did you know that ice bergs in the south pole have been growing at about the same rate as the loss in the north pole? It's true. You better go buy that new overcoat today...I feel a chill coming.
- Volcanoes cause a cooling of the earth as their ash blocks sunlight. We are having more volcanoes now, so make sure your long underwear is clean and ready. Those volcanoes will cool the earth.
- water levels of ice and snow across many parts of the hemisphere are higher than they have been in many years. Hmmm I better check to make sure my heating system is in working order. - seas are dropping in many areas of the world, the opposite effect to what would happen if the earth was warming.
I'm going to throw out those water skis and get me a pair of sturdy snow skis for the coming snows. Ok, my arguments for global cooling are hardly scientific because they are speculative and unproved. But so is the global warming hypotheses. I think it might be wise to cool down this warm topic and forget all the hysteria about climate changes today. Global warming may be profitable for many others, but you and I aren't making a dollar from it.
Have a cool drink and relax in your favorite sunny spot on the beach. It's not worth getting hot about.

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